mcree x reader

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authors pov.


the night was your favourite time of the day because that's when your night shift started and when it was your night shift the most craziest of shit would happen in the bar people throwing chairs, insults being tossed to one person to the next and sometimes you boss would let you in on the action and he'd join in to. but no matter how big the man was you would always be the last one standing. you were a great fighter and even you knew that , EVERYONE knew.

another day another night were someone would leave with broken bones. you opened the bar door for everyone to of course look your way. you didn't bother changing into your uniform because everyone one there basically knew you worked here. you wore shoulder holsters to hold your guns to your side , you also wore ankle holsters were your knives were being held just waiting for you to pull them out.

"hey pretty lady"

"heya (y/n)!!!!)

"sup kiddo" (SAns!??!?!?)

"heya (y/n) get me a beer will ya sweet heart" you turned around to Dean , he was your fathers old friends , he pretty much came here with all his mates. they'd be the ones that started most of the fights which you loved. since your dad passed away he was kinda the replacement..

"sure bro coming right up, good luck for the fights to night , like always try not to get hurt heh ill get ya beer." before you left to get his drink you gave him a small wink and a smile , and with that you were on your way to the bar.

to were tossing drinks left and right , everything was piecefull but soon someone will spill a drink or start an argument and then the real fun began and of course you were accationally looking over to dean to see when he would start the trouble.

"hey (y/n) when do you thi-"
the doors burst open. you look over the mans sholder to find burglers with big empty bags in there hand. they demaned everyone to get on the ground w3hich some did , SOME. you and deans friends didn't stand down, what did you think that we were just gonna do what you say with out a figh? HELL NO FUCK THAT. 

the burglers scatred across the room , you think there trying to look more intimitading. pshhhh

"what are u guys deaf? GET ON THE GROUND NOW"  the burgler at the front of the door who you belive is the "leader" pompletely ignored yo which soon he will regret. 

"come on boys lets teach these boys who's boss .ARHHHHH" Dean did not give a shit his groupls started to swing punches, kickin some dudes were the sun doesn't shine and such. you looked to the left and saw one of the men pointing there gun



Its like It went in slow motion. how deans eyes looked over to me. he smiled at me...then


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