young genji x reader

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A/N: yep hi this chapter will have some sexual themes in it, so if your sensitive to that shit don't read this or your here for the sin you came to the right place. request are open make either a list or some shit idk but ya. 

gaslighting: (in my words) Gaslighting is a form of manipulation , to make them doubt there own decisions. 

example: choices , sanity and memory

ive been threw gaslighting and its pretty bad but I wont be making this whole fan fic on gaslighting don't worry this is still an x reader.

this will have some sut like I said so this is your last warning 



You were new to Japan, sure you legit watched anime 24/7 but still you were clueless. you only knew how to say  a few things like "I love you" or "I hate you", you couldn't say anything that was use full.So you're pretty much fucked. Your parents were dick heads , they'd hit you and they sure as hell didn't care about your opinion. they didn't feed you, they didn't give you anything , and for asking why they aren't giving you anything they made you think you were binging selfish, but you didn't let that get in the way of your life. (gaslighting) and you may be asking '' ok so why are you in japan?'' well apparently your parents were rich enough to abandon you to japan but not rich enough to feed you.

You walked around seeing the cherry blossems  rock side to side along with the mild wind. The people around you stared at your attire and stance. you didn't look like a dole, you didn't have the blinding white skin. everyone looked the same , you felt out of place , the anxiety drapes around you from all the stares that you were receiving.


You had been walking for so long  the sun started to go down, and your stomach was starting  to growl, you were hungry , upset and dehydrated. the moon had finally risen and you were still walking around, some people were kind enough to give you small scraps of food , but not enough for you to be satisfied. At "home" you had to work for your food, and you highly doubt that your (C/n) (country name) money is worth something. You walked along the stone based streets , the blossems now stained with the colours of blue. you were lucky that the moon was out or you would be completely blind.

"やめてください、懇願するイム。私をスペアします" ( please stop, i'm begging you spare me...)

you had no clue what he just said but you saw a black silhouette holding a green dagger against the mans throat. Shurikens pinned the poor mans shirt...what the fuck is going on..

"クレジット・カードのあなたの試みと shimmada 一族を軽視しました。あなたはイム申し訳ありませんがあなたの人生の償いをしなければなりません"

(you have disrespected the shimada clan with your attempts of servise you shall atone with your sorry...)

You only recognized the word "sorry" in his sentence, holy shit hes going to kill him.

You quickly darted towards the man shielding him, you closed your eyes waiting for the knife to lung into your throat but it never came.

 you opened your eyes yo see the most attractive man that you have ever seen , I mean sure Sebastian michaels is fucking attractive but..god damn... his jawline..his eyes..and them EyEbRoWs!!!

"ok please spare the man...I don't know what he has done but no one desearves death...please I know you don't want to do this either.." you looked him the eyes with the best puppy dog eyes but he held the same expresion of regret. the man paused as if trying to find the right words.

overwatch x reader  oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें