Chapter 21

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Okay, so funny story, an old family friend of ours nominated my parents to do the ALS ice bucket challenge lmao I wonder if their doing to do it. Okay so I official wrote the last chapter for Another World and I cant believe its over!! BUT DON'T FEAR!! I'M WRITING A SEQUAL, yes a sequal and it shouldn't be long until its up. But once school starts for me next week, its going to be hard to upload chapters everyday but I'm going to try my best to upload like every other day or something like that. We'll see :), please enjoy the chapter and please vote, thank you - Livy


Four months has passed and it's Kylie's 18th birthday. Let's just say since Kylie left New York and broke up with Harry, she hasn't been the same. She went back into her old ways but worst. She's been coming home late drunk almost every night and she's been partying with some friends from school but they’re not really Kylie's friends, their more like party friends. She hasn't talked to Harry since that day but she thinks she's over him. But she's not; she's also been since Dylan for the past two months. Kylie and her dad's relationship hasn't been the best.

"Happy birthday Kylie!!" My dad yelled while I was still in bed.

"Can you please get out of my face?" I groaned "I have a massive headache right now and you’re not helping"

"When you’re ready, come downstairs" he said in a happy voice.

I sat up and rolled my eyes. I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom and freshen up. I took some pills to help my headache. My phone rang and I quickly ran back into my room and picked up.


"Happy birthday baby!!!" My mom yelled through the phone.

I laughed "thanks mom!"

"So how do you feel?"

"Well for one thing I have a massive headache"

"Were you out late last night?" She asked me.


"Sweetie, I'm just asking"

"Yes, I went to a party with my friends"

"Have you been partying lately?"

"Yes I have mom, school is over and I'm just having fun"


"Well I have to go mom, I think dad has a cake downstairs for me" I groaned.


"Love you"

"Love you too Kylie"

I hanged up and walked downstairs into the kitchen to find Callie, Dad and Lucy around a cake they got for me.

"Happy birthday Kylie!!" Callie smiled at me.

I wrapped my arms around my little sister and hugged her tight.

"Thank you Cal!" I pulled away from her and smiled at dad and Lucy.

"Thank you guys so much, but I should go upstairs and change"

"Change for what?"

"I got plans with my friends" I told him.

"Can't you cancel?" My dad asked me.

"No, cause we made these plans a while ago"

"Well cancel them! You’re going to spend the day with your family"

"Listen not to be rude but I told you, you will never be my father, okay? And Lucy is just your girlfriend... So the only family that I have here is Callie" I told him "thanks for the cake but I have to go"

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