Chapter 18 - Shadows to the Fore

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That day, as it happened, Yadagiri stayed back at home indisposed and Chandra went out with a diamond trader leaving Nithya to fend for herself the whole business-day. By then, however, leaving her toddler at the Pearl House, she started becoming a part- timer at the Princely Pearls.

When in the evening she came out from the confines of her cabin, she was shocked to find Vasu in the hall. Before she could beat a hasty retreat, he chanced to notice her and that left her in a quandary. Adding to her predicament, the salesman beckoned her for some consultation on their account. Hiding her consternation, as she came face to face with Vasu and his wife, gathering his wits in the meantime, he grabbed the initiative for the introductions.

"This is Prema, my wife," he introduced to Nithya and said in turn, "This is Nithya. I was their tenant during my probation period."

Unable as they were to close their eyes, yet the women raised their hands in greeting.

"How do you do?" said Prema extending her hand to Nithya.

"Fine, thank you," said Nithya taking Prema's hand.

"Are you working here?' Vasu addressed Nithya.

"Of course," Nithya said dryly.

"I'm at the Koti Branch," he said giving Nithya his business card, "you may know I bank on your account and you too can count on my services."

After settling the issue and entrusting the Vasus to that salesman's care, Nithya excused herself.

Back in her cabin she went into jitters.

'Oh, God, what will happen now if he pursues his agenda?' she deliberated upon the unexpected development. 'Didn't he say that we won't be able to resist each other, if we were to meet again? What to do if he starts stalking me from now on? Will he ruin me all again? No way. I'll be curt with him to start with and nip his design in the bud itself. Whatever, I should be on guard. What he said is true of her. What with her figure and poise, isn't Prema a stunner to the toe? With such a ravishing wife, maybe he won't bother about me anymore. But then, it's not the way men with a roving eye behave, why, he had the cheek to indulge in that suggestive talk--about my opening the account and he providing the service. But for all that, would he ever dare to pursue me again? Hope in the end better sense prevails in his evil head. What about alerting Chandra straightaway? But then, won't it be like putting the cart before the horse? Let me wait and see.'

After a while, having finalized the order for a designer necklace for her, as Vasu led Prema out of the Princely Pearls, finding him perturbed all along, she offered to drive the car.

"Why risk an accident?" she said pulling the key chain from his hands.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you look out of sorts?"

"Oh, don't joke," he laughed half-heartedly.

"I'm sure it was not in jest," she said getting into the Fiat, "that you offered her your services."

"Why, are you jealous already?" he said getting in.

"Wonder why she was uncomfortable with you!"

"How am I to know?" he said closing the door. "That is assuming she's uncomfortable."

"Being a woman myself," she said raising the accelerator, "I know what I know."

"Know what?"

"I'm sure you either misbehaved with her or even jilted her."

"Oh, God, don't imagine things!" he said in mock exasperation. "And be practical about relationships.

I know by now," she said looking into the rear mirror, "you can tell blindfold which side of your bread is buttered."

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