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A screech caused a young She-cat to awaken, her eyes looked around unable to see while in a fog filled forest, fog was as black as smoke. She got to her paws and could feel snow on her paws causing her to look down confused and dumbstruck from the snow and the fog. She breathed softly as she could feel the cold air run along her silver fur and her mouth. She could hear the screech once more as she turned to where the sound came from. She walked towards the source, her ears perked and her guard up.

She didn't stray following the source as she go closer the fog seemed to slowly lighten up. Her eyes searching for whoever could have made the screeching sounds. She finally exited the fog into a clearing with a stream, she approached it looking down at it to see the stream was made from blood. She could feel her heart breaking inside her chest, she looked at the blood filled stream as she could barely make out a figure in the water. A screech came from the stream as this time it was ear piercing causing her head to spin and sting in pain. Her breath felt ice cold and couldn't feel her body as suddenly it all went white.

The silvery she-cat awoken inside a dimly light den by herself. She walked out to see a large camp filled with cats and few wolves. Her ears were perked, her heart beating hard in her chest, her paws felt cold. She sighed softly as she thought about the dream she had experienced and wondered what it meant.

CWaF; Deep wound (4)Where stories live. Discover now