Chapter 1

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A black wolf came out of the forest sighing as he looked at his camp full of his clanmates, his blue eyes skimming through them all. He swallowed back his fear and all the nightmares he had going through his head, his heart ached in pain by the news of BatFang. He walked down to the camp walking past a few of his clan mates as he looked at a den, it had a soft glow inside which helped the clan see during the darker nights. He walked into the den and walked to a white she-cat with her pelt unkempt and matted, his ears dropped as he asked in a soft voice, "SadLeaf? You wanted to see me?"

"Yes, You must be taking the bad news hard. I made you a herb to hopefully help you," SadLeaf spoke, with a rough and damaged voice while she coughed pushing a leaf with a liquid inside it. ShadowStar sighed as he'd sit down before lapping up some of the liquid as he could feel the warm almost bitter tasting liquid ran down his throat swallowing it. He looked at SadLeaf feeling a deep almost dreaded feeling crawl down his back as his mind slowly cleared up.

"Has AncestorClan spoken to you?" He asked with a dark chill running down his back as the thought of the Ancestors being furious caused him to shiver with fear not wanting to loose anymore clan mates. SadLeaf spork up in a coughing voice, "sadly no, they have been silent. I fear the worse may have happened." The words only caused ShadowStar feel a bit of panic, however he took a deep breath to calm his nerves as he nodded hopping that them not speak may mean his son could be alive still somewhere.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2019 ⏰

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