Monday pt 2

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He walks up to me and says "do you want a ride do you want to get inside my mothers car?"
I really don't want to walk so I agree. We walk outside and I get in the back of his car. He then asks me out to frozen yogurt. I'm nervous because this will be my first date with him but of course I say yes. His says he's going to drop us off at the mall. Once we get there he gets out quickly to open the door for me. I thank him and he grabs my hand and we walk in together. "So are we like officially a thing or what?"
He asks I smile and nod "ya if that's okay with you"

he smiles and kisses me. Then we get our yogurt. I get pink berry and he gets blueberry.Then we pay and sit down. We talk about our day and stuff and I'm so happy I'm dating him. I think I'm falling in love with him. Once we're done we go outside to wait for his mom when all of the sudden another car comes in really fast I yell for him to move but it's late a car hits him I fall to the ground and sob. "JACKKKKKKKK NOOO"
the driver doesn't stop but I look in the window and see the driver was MELLISA And she screams "YE YE"

and drives off I grab my phone and call 911. "911 what's your emergency?"
I explain to her what happened while crying then I run over to Jack he was thrown across the parking lot into a snowbank just like in Fortnite. I hold him and cry then hear the ambulance from a distance. Then they pull up and tasks Jack away and I go with him. We get to the emergency room and they take him away I have to sit in the waiting room until they call me in. A few hours pass when the doctor calls my name and says "Susie salamander? I've got some bad news."


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