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n.1. A strong feeling of affection and concern toward another person, as that arising from kinship or close friendship.2. A strong feeling of affection and concern for another person accompanied by sexual attraction.3.Sexual desire or activity: the pleasures of love.4. a. A person for whom one has strong feelings of affectionb. Used as a term of endearment for such person.5. An intense emotional attachment to something, as to a pet or treasured object.6. An expression of one's affection.

Or so is what all the dictionaries explain what love is and means. But dictionaries don't explain all the ways it can be felt, or how it can be shown. Nobody tells you it's okay to discover what love is at an later age, and you know what? It is defenitly okay to discover what love is way later on. 
You might never understand it, and that is fine. Love isn't to be understood, it's there to be felt, to be heard or to be seen in all different kinds of ways.

Love is difficult, but it is so easy at the same time. It is ugly but oh so beautiful. 

It is love.

Love is weird, and it can be felt in many weird ways.

- Love is feeling the rain on my hands.
- Love is the sun shining in my eyes while I'm at the beach
- Love is going to the forest with my best friend because it was a bucket list thing for me
- Love is the soft paws of my pets
- Love is hearing her voice singing to me because I was awake with a panick attack at 3am
- Love is hearing her sing la vie en rose on repeat 
- Love is my cat helping me come back to earth
- Love is the crunch of leaves on a autumn day
- Love is the cold snow covering every tiny bit of the earth
- Love is the warm coffee and listening to loud music while I'm sitting on my bed with a fluffy blanket

Love can also be shown in so many ways by either yourself or others. And that was a huge learning point for me to accept. Love is a wonderfull and cruel thing, so beautiful and haunting. I wouldn't trade a thing from the ways it has been shown to me though. They might think I don't know it, but I have been learning. I know what love is, and everyday I learn a bit more about it. I am worthy of it even in the moments I think I am not, I am worhty. 

I see things, I learn and I am worhty of these.

- Love is the way she kisses me hello or goodbye
- Love is the way we hug
- Love is her 
- Love is her being the first one to accept all of me
- Love is me getting hurt in the past because I loved her in a way I didn't know I could
- Love is wanting to see her happy 
- Love is supporting her
- Love is her helping me discover myself
- Love is her staying on the phone while I came out to my mom
- Love is them
- Love is they who helped me in college
- Love is she writing a word doc filled with love
- Love is also me and she hugging because I want to help her learn come out of her shell
- Love is the music I got sent by her years ago, because she wanted me to listen with her
- Love is the promise we made years ago
- Love is my mom not giving up on me
- Love is me learning to accept love from my mom
- Love is me letting my mom hug and kiss me
- Love is the way my  mom comforts me
- Love is even my old plushie that I keep hold of at night, so I can sleep peacefully
- Love is my mom telling me to wake her up at night if my thoughts get too much
- Love is me crying about rethinking of these memories
- Love is accepting myself more and more everyday
- Love is my friends wanting to know about when my surgery shall be
- Love is them helping me at school with panick attacks
- Love is mum washing my hair because I broke my hand again
- Love is warm
- Love is her family treating me as one of their own
- Love is me letting them know I can see it and feel it
- Love is .....

Love is never over, love is neverending.

My love is neverending.

I discoverd it at a later age and that is okay. I see things differently and I speak in colours but we all know love sooner or later in our life.

Love for me is all the colors that excist because it is beautiful and ugly, good and bad. It is many ways. And maybe I might not know love completely and the next thing might be kinda cheesy. But I love hearing people speak themselfes.

So, let me ask you....

What is love?

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