Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 -

There was no way I was going to agree to do whatever it was he wanted me to do. No way in hell.

"No way." I said.

"You're a prisoner. You opinion doesn't come into it." he said, but I couldn't see him due to the lack of light.

It was dark in the basement. And cold.

I didn't like the dark or the cold, but I just had to deal with it. I told Danny not to come and rescue me. So it was my own fault. Not that I wanted him to come and risk his life for me, he was my brother and I cared about him a lot more than I cared about myself, but I hoped I'd be able to find my own way out.

"Well, it does. Doesn't it?" I said "I choose whether I do it or not, my opinion is therefore relevant."

"Oh, gosh darn you and your logic." Smith said, sarcastically "But I have a plan if you don't comply. We picked up a stray."

Then another guard dragged a body out from the shadows.

It was Damien.

"Oh you dick shit." I said to him.

"Nice to see you too, little red" he croaked.

Damien didn't comply with rules. Period. You could give him contradicting rules and he'd find a way to break both of them and at least three others before you realised that you'd told him. I already knew how he'd been caught. He'd gone out on his own, gotten smashed in a illegal drinking place somewhere, ran into some of Smith's guards, and talked back so much that they thought that spending some time in Smith's cells would change his attitude. They got lucky when they realised he was wanted.

"Yes, Damien doesn't like to comply with the rules. The guards thought him unruly and found he was gifted. Lucky day fro you wasn't it Damien?" Smith said, talking louder when he spoke to Damien, "You get barred from you favourite pub for life, and just happen to be picked up by my guards."

Told you.

"Not the first time though, is it Damien?" he asked.

Damien just looked at him.

"Not in the mood for talking? No matter, it wont matter what you're in the mood for if Kemi refuse to hack for me. All you'll be doing is screaming."

What a dick.

Smith knew me and Damien had a past.

Damien... Where to start? What can one truly say about that bad boy that you've not heard a thousand times before?

Fine, the moody girl fell for the annoying bad boy. Need me to elaborate? Well, you asked.

I was fifteen. I'd been running from Smith's goons for thirty six hours and had only just gotten them off of my trail. I naïvely thought that it'd be a good idea to duck into a pub.

Who did I find? Damien.

Mouthing off with a hot blonde on his lap. Being two years older than me, he got served no problem. We started talking when he saw me out of the corner of his eye. He told me his story of woes and I told him mine. We spoke about how Smith was chasing us, and when his guards broke in, we didn't know who they'd come for.

"Come on, Little Red, just tell me." he pleads.

"No, Bad Boy, you tell me."

"Fine. One night when I was of gallivanting with the other boys who had more of Mummy and Daddy's money than Mummy and Daddy, they came. Tore the place apart looking for me. What did they find? My mum and dad. And when they weren't what they were looking for, they killed them. My fault really. I was supposed to be grounded that night. I don't think about what could have happened if I hadn't snuck out. But I assume they'd be alive. And me? That's where my thinking stops. Your turn, Little Red. Spill grandma's cookies."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2014 ⏰

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