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"What are you doing here? " Jelou ask while sitting down next to her.

"Just." She answered. She look at Jelou, her gay bestfriend. Who is more girlish and prettiest compared to her but never resorted to any use of medical plastic surgery. He has natural beauty that is the envy of everyone. High define cheekbones, long prominent nose, long eyelashes and perfectly shaped eyebrows. If he decided to become a straight man he'd leave many hearts broken but sadly he has a heart of gold and a heart towards the same sex.

She sigh and turn her attention back to where she was looking before Jelou appeared or interrupted her. She was really not looking at anything in particular; she didn't even notice that she was in fact in front of a huge garbage bin and was sitting at a jagged rock the size of her head near the septic tank of their church's public toilet. She is lost in many thoughts that she didn't know that her feet lead her here in search for a quieter place. It is a quiet place alright but not perfectly acceptable in aligning her disarray of thoughts.

She sigh again and put her chin at her propped knees. Her hiding place is busted so she ought to leave but she doesn't even have the energy to get up and find a new place to sulk. She release a very long sigh and rest her left cheek at her knees and look at Jelou sideways. Both of her arms are on her side criss-crossing her thighs underneath and clutching the side of her  jeans holding her knees in place.

Jelou was looking at her like she have something more to say, something aside from 'just' that she utter. And that's the problem, she can't say something, her mind isn't even working properly let alone her mouth that is quite dependable on her thoughts. She was the type of person that have to think twice before speaking, to arrange and practice saying her thoughts in her head before she have the courage to speak.

Oftentimes she wonder why did she pursue being a nurse when it requires talking to patients or why did she accept being a youth adviser in their  Church's Youth Ministry when she hates being in the limelight. It was Jelou's fault and maybe her's when she was swayed by his sweet-talking, saying she was perfect for the task because she has a lot of fresh ideas that will help improved the Ministry as well as the youth. Maybe if she hadn't accepted... She guess it really is her fault after all. She was just blaming Jelou to keep her heart at ease, to keep her at ease.

It's no use blaming now, nothing can change something that happens in the past, actually she can change it if she quit now but she was in too deep, she was quite fond of the ministry now. She grew to like this family. It changed her, change her a lot.

"What?" She finally ask after a long silence when no one spoke. He was just looking at her and it is grating her nerves that his eyes had a glint in them that tells her that he knows something and is just waiting for her to ask him for it.

"Is this about that school reunion that you once talk about two months ago?" She grimaced. It's unfortunate that she have a bestfriend that knows her like she knows every korean actor and actresses in Korea, and she almost knew every one of them. she have a checklist of korean dramas and movies per year it was released and she keep tracked of it everyday.

And for the nth time today she sigh, and this time it wasn't involuntary. She's weary and in need of sleep, she haven't slept a wink since yesterday.  She barely got out of the house with her mom prodding about her unusual eyebags, her mom knows about her  korean dramas addiction or obsession as her mother would like to call it and that she usually sleep after midnight but she  still never ever have bags under her eyes, until now, and it is such an unusual occurrence that her mom won't stop saying that she ought to stop her nocturnal habit. Thoughts won't leave her mind, thoughts about the upcoming school reunion, and thoughts about her college friends requesting or better yet demanded that she really have to go attend the school reunion and thoughts about a certain black-eyed man that keeps popping up in her mind. She have a very hard time sleeping and before she knows it, dawn breaks. She can't even sleep in the morning seeing as she is working as a public nurse in their Town's health center.

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