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Bon ran as fast as he could down the pavement, past the many people who were talking on their phones and holding their kid's hands. His cold breath filled the air in front of him as snowflakes fell from the sky above. Adults scoffed and mumbled as he pushed past them. Bon pulled his phone out of his phone pocket to check the time, which read 11:58 A.M. He couldn't be late! He dodged a businessman who was heading straight towards him, and stopped in front of a cafe. He sighed, quickly pulled his hand through his hair, and opened the door.
"Bon! I thought you were going to be late again," a voice called. Bon looked up. "Hey Bonnie! Yeah... Sorry about that," he said, closing the door quietly. "Come here! I got you a drink already," Bonnie called as Bon walked to the table. The purple haired boy was in a warm dark red sweater and blue jeans, with his hair tied up and glasses on the edge of his nose. "You wore your glasses?" Bon said. "Yeah. It's nice to wear them sometimes. Contacts aren't my thing," Bonnie replied as he took a long sip of his drink. "Well," Bon began, "Don't let them fall into your drink." Bon took his pointer finger and pushed the middle of Bonnie's glasses all the way back into his nose, making Bonnie jump a bit at the contact. He laughed and Bon smiled slightly. "I need to be more careful of that." Bon took off his coat and put it on his chair and sat down. He grabbed his drink and took a sip. "Jeez, you memorized what I order didn't you?" Bon said taking another sip. "Duh! You get the same thing every time," Bonnie replied. "You say that like it's a bad thing! My coffee is good!" He said putting his cup down. Bonnie tried stifling a laugh and failed. Bon couldn't help but melt a bit at Bonnie's laugh and how cute it was to him. Bon sighed and took another sip of his drink, some spilling into his brown sweater. "Hey genius, your sweater has some of your drink on it," Bonnie said pointing at his shirt. "Damn. It'll probably be fine?" Bon said looking up at Bonnie. "Probably." The two boys continued to talk about school and practice and songs they wanted to practice together at some point when Bonnie's phone began to buzz. He grabbed it and brought it to his ear and signaled Bon to be quiet for a moment. Bon nodded and took the last sip of his coffee. "Oh, okay. Yeah. I understand. Bye." Bonnie pressed the end call button on his screen and looked at Bon sadly. "I have to go back home. My mom isn't feeling good," he said grabbing his empty cup. Bon looked at him and frowned. "Okay. We can do this next weekend though, don't forget that!" He said with a smile, hoping Bonnie would cheer up. "Alright! I'll text you later!" Bonnie said throwing his cup away. He grabbed his coat and put it on, quickly running out of the entrance and waving at Bon. He waved back quickly, and before he knew it, Bonnie was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2019 ⏰

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