Chapter One

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I knew since the first week that Loki had been posing as the All Father. Loki had made me his royal advisor within that same week, he needed someone that knew his secret in his reign. In a way, I wasn't that much hurt by his wait in telling, our marriage was arranged by Odin himself, mine and Loki's relationship was strictly business at the time of his "death".

Despite knowing of my husband's whereabouts and what he was up to, I still had to keep up the act of a grieving wife, and the public simply thought me being Odin's advisor was out of pity and to keep me close to the family. This rumor alone was planted by me and Loki to keep the citizens of Asgard at our side.

I'm not going to lie, Asgard was better off with Loki on the throne, we had spread peace, Frostgiants were no longer seen as a immediate threat, and we let the Nine Realms be independent in case of the event of Asgard's fall.

But within those four years of ruling Asgard with Loki, we had grown closer than our normal business relationship. We were sneaking around the halls of Valhalla, to the public we were Odin and his grieving and heartbroken daughter-in-law whom he had pity on. Behind closed doors where no one knew about our whereabouts or secrets, we were Loki and Y/N, the God of Lies and Goddess of Nature, husband and wife, and nothing more. Our life was playing out like a Midgardian TV teen drama and we were fine with it because we were so engulfed in each other that it didn't matter to us. Our strictly business relationship turned into two lovers, something we never had a chance to do or imagined happening before his "untimely death".

And I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little pissed off when Thor came and exposed Loki. The decision to be shocked and upset with Loki came quick, it was something we'd discussed, I was to not know a thing about his trick. So, I let out a gasp from the crowd, forced tears to my eyes, and everyone's eyes were now on me. I bunched up my dress in my fist and slowly walked to him, studying. Everyone was staring and holding their breath as I came face to face with him, I let a tear fall. "Loki."

"Yes, my love?" he asked, playing along with his "betrayal".

I heard Thor hesitantly whisper, "Lady Y/N?"

I raised my hand as if I was going to cup the face of my long-lost husband, but instead its moving quickly and coming in contact with his check, a slapping sound echoing throughout the silent courtyard.

"I can't believe you," I whispered, picking my dress up once again, turning and quickly walking away and towards my living quarters. Loki calling after me as I stormed away and the crowd in shock as I ignored him, thinking I wasn't even told of his trick.

Once I closed my door, I let the brokenhearted façade fall, and cracked a smile. Asgard will be gossiping about how Loki betrayed even me, our backup plan had worked.


I watched from my balcony as Loki and Thor bickered, the crowd listening intensely to the two princes. Soon they'd come to some sort of compromise before Loki held his finger up, then called for one of his guards and whispered in his ear before they ran off towards the castle.

"In me and my brother's absence while we look for King Odin, I place the Royal Advisor of Asgard and my wife in charge." Loki spoke clearly and loud enough for me to catch his announcement.

Before they left for Midgard, Loki glanced up to my balcony meeting my eyes a smirk gracing his lips, knowing I'd want to watch the drama unfold.

Just as his back turned, breaking all eye contact with me, a knock is heard on my door.

"Mrs. Odinson?"

"Just a minute!" I hurry and flick some water on my face, kohl running, and I wiped it for a grieving and angry wife look.

"Yes?" I asked, opening the door a crack, and peeking through. The guard Loki had spoken to stood before me; he cleared his throat.

"Prince Loki has declared that you will take over Asgard in his and Prince Thor's absence."

I opened my mouth as if I was shocked and this was the first time hearing the news. "Yes sir, give me a moment."

"Of course, your highness." I close the door and take a deep breath.

I go into my washroom, washing my face with the water from the basin and drying it with a cloth, my face now clean of makeup and "crying".

I took a breath, smoothed out my dress, and held my head up high. I walk to my door and open it, stepping out.

"Let's go."


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