Chapter Five

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"This is where I leave you." Elloe bid me farewell at the Throne Room/VIP Room's doors. It was smart for her not walking in alongside me as the Grandmaster's guards and servants were looking for me. I take a deep breath and open the doors, the Grandmaster's throne was empty, but it didn't take me long to find him at his sound board, I head towards him.

"I was told you were looking for me?" I spoke up as I now stood in front of him, his sound board stood in between us.

"Ah, yes!" He stopped playing. "How is the growing coming?"

"Good, I visit the plants every morning to make sure they are getting the nutrients they need threw my powers." The question put me on guard, more than I was already at with his request to see me.

"Walk with me." He beckoned as he started walking towards the room's exit. "I want you to join the party I am putting on for the Contest of Champions, think or it more as an invitation to my VIP seating for the Contest."

"Is that all, Grandmaster?" He stopped studying my face as he did, I could see the wheels turning in his head.

"That's all for now, you may go." He said after he was happy with what he was reading from me.

"Thank you for your time." I bow my head slightly to bid him goodbye and I start heading to the doors I had entered through.

"Oh, and Y/N." I stopped and turned to face him, his chin was held high in the air and his fingertips connected on both hand as if they were clasping each other.


"Make sure to wear something extravagant tomorrow night, it is a party." I nod my head as if I was saying I understand. "Goodbye now."

"Goodbye." I turn back to the large doors, I could feel his eyes burning a hole through my back all away until the entrance doors fall shut behind me. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and collected myself.

After taking a few deep breaths I head to my chambers, thanking whoever was looking out for my in that room.

— ‡ —

Odin had decided to throw a celebration for mine and Prince Loki's engagement. My mother was the Lady of Vingolf, the place of celebration for Asgardian goddesses. My mother, Voluspa, was the seer of gods and studied in her birthplace of Vanaheim, she was gifted the land of Vingolf by the All-Mother who was her childhood best friend. Mine and Loki's marriage had been arranged through our mothers with the approval of Odin, my mother had said that Loki and I would be a perfect match, Frigga agreeing with her.

I never formed a stable relationship with either Odinson brother when we all were younger, it seemed surprising since our mothers were always setting up play dates, but even then, I kept to myself as I do now, never getting close to the princes. Until now, I was forced to get close to Loki through the arranged marriage.

Like any other party thrown by the royal family, it was nothing short of extravagant. The Grand Hall was crowded with nobles and the rich, along with the friends of Loki and Thor - mostly Thor's friends. It was loud, every person I came across was giving me drunken congratulations, some so far as wishing me luck with the dark prince.

After wondering around the crowd for what seemed like hours, I finally found a balcony and without giving it a second thought I pushed my way through the crowd and then the glass doors, the only thing on my mind was get to the fresh air, the air that always called me, and I gave no regard to the other person standing on the balcony as I rushed in and quickly shut the doors that lead to the ballroom.

"I'm not in any mood for congratulations." The man spoke darkly, of course it was Loki with my luck.

"Well neither am I. While I should be offended that my soon to be husband to be isn't happy about our incoming commencement, I honestly can't find it in myself to give two shits at the moment." I knew things between the two of us wouldn't go smoothly, especially since we never formed any type of bond in our past.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2019 ⏰

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