Chapter 2

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Troye's POV       

I watch as Tyler rushes out of the house. I can't believe I was about to kiss him! He's probably leaving the house to get away from me, even I want to get away from myself. I completely messed up our friendship, how could I be so stupid!

Tyler's POV

I pull up to Korey's place and rush up to his door. He quickly anwsers my knocks and I head inside. 

"What's up?" Korey asks.

"I have a big problem, Korey", I anwser quickly. "It's about Troye..."

"Well sit down, i'll go get you something to drink", Korey says as he heads towards the kitchen.

I sit there, my leg tapping constantly against the floor. I didn't realize how nervous I am until now. Korey's opinion means everything to me, he was my best friend after all. What if he doesn't approve of my infatuation with Troye? That would destroy me.

"So what do you need my advice about, Tyler?" Korey says setting a glass of water in front of me and flipping through the channels on the TV.

"Well..." I start, looking up at Korey, but he seems too interested in the TV to even make eye contact. "Korey? Are you even listening??" I said, getting angry. I can't believe he wasn't paying attention to one of the most important things I've ever had to tell him.

"Mmhmm", he responds, finally putting the remote down and looking at me.

"Well... you know Troye has been staying at my house for the last few days?" I begin.

"Yeah, and your point is?" he anwsers rudely.

"Well, i've been getting these... feelings? Feelings that I haven't felt in a while", I tell him quietly.

"For... Troye? Wait, do you like him??" Korey asks loudy, looking straight at me now.

"Yeah, I think so", I say smiling a little just thinking about him. Korey doesn't look so happy though.

"Are you kidding me? He's like a baby!! What the hell Tyler??" he stands up angrily, looking almost... disgusted with me.

"He is not! It's legal and I like him, Korey, a lot." I can't believe what a big deal he is making.

"Tyler! Are you crazy?? You cannot have a crush on... on... Troye Sivan!!" he yells at me. "I am only trying to protect you, he obviously doesn't know what he wants! He is way too young, and has no idea what he is getting into!" Korey yells at me.

"Yes he does know! He's a good guy, Korey! Why can't you see that?" I tell him, feeling my eyes water up.

"Do you forget that he lives on the other side of the world, Tyler? Can you get that in your head?" 

"Korey, I can't believe you! We can make it work!" I testify, but I know what he's saying. And I guess I haven't thought about it yet. 

"Well guess what? After VidCon when he goes back to Australia, he'll met some great 18 year old guy and he will forget all about you, and you will have no idea! Because you live on the other side of the world, okay Tyler?"

I can feel tears streaming down my face. I can hardly register him continuing to talk. I turn around and run straight out the door, slamming it in the process. I get in my car, finally breaking down. I start sobbing, knowing what Korey said was true. 

I am just as pissed off as I am heart-broken. I have to prove Korey wrong, show him that Troye and I can make it work, that we can do this. As soon as they came, the tears were gone. I put the keys in the ignition and headed back to see Troye.

We can make this work.


Hey everybody! How'd you like chapter 2? Please let me know what you thought in the comments and please don't forget to vote! Let me know if I missed any editing. Please let me know if you think each chapter should be longer, shorter, or about this length. And if you have any ideas about the next chapters, please help me out and tell me in the comments.

Songs That Inspired This Story:

1. Robbers - The 1975

2. Toes - Zac Brown Band

3. Maps - Marroon 5

See y'all soon! <3 <3 <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2014 ⏰

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