Hello... what's your name?

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Yugi's POV

It's a very rainy day outside. The sky had grey clouds in them. The clouds pouring the rain from them. It is just a glooming day. Everyone was sad but not me. I was just walking in the rain with my umbrella in hand. Skipping down the street when I saw... 

(Aiko: A paper boat and it went into the sewer. I followed it and saw a clown. He then bit my arm off. Okay my sorry back to the story sorry)

The park. There were beautiful flowers there. So why not go and see them? I have not seen the park in a while. I have been in the game shop 24/7. Working with my grandpa and helping him because he is sick. He can barely do anything so I have to make money. And go to school. So, days have to be long for me. Day by day I go to school and go back home to the game shop. Do my homework and work at the game shop. But I have to think happy thoughts right now. Grandpa is in the hospital... fighting for his life. Wait, what I'm I thinking? Grandpa would be very upset with me for thinking sad things! But anyway who I walked in the park to see the flowers. They were wet, but hey? At least they are getting water!

Plants need water, like how humans need water and food to survive. Wait? Why I'm I speaking like I'm a scientist? Maybe science has rubbed off on me? It is interesting? Now why I'm I talking about science? I'm just a weird, cute, and innocent person! Well, that is what my friends tell me. But anyway I looked at the flowers getting a little wet too. Because I put down my umbrella a little bit. Have my leather shoes get into puddles of mud and water. Getting dirty and clean at the same time. Which does not matter me? Because I can just clean them later. No, big deal...

Yami's POV

I was walking down the street. Walking in puddles of water. Having my umbrella in hand above my head. Having my head down looking at my leather shoes. Not looking at where I'm walking. Just rolling where my feet are taking me. I was a little sad and a little happy so yeah. But when I looked up I saw I was close to the park. I thought maybe a little walk in the park might do it. To make me less sad. So I crossed the street without looking both ways. Well, because it's a holiday and no one was out. But when I made it safely across I started to take a walk to through the park.  And I still looking at the ground at my shoes.  But then I heard a voice it was cute. "These flowers are beautiful as ever. Even when there are water droplets on them." I looked up to see a boy that looked like me. Like for real he had the same hairstyle as me. But he was still short but cute. Also, when I mean short I'm like one inch taller than him. So, I took a step closer to look at him better. But I think he might have heard my footsteps because he looked right at me. He then skipped over to me humming someone to himself. I looked at him confused...

Yugi's POV

"These flowers are beautiful as ever. Even when there are water droplets on them," I said to myself. But then I heard footsteps. I looked up from the flowers and saw a man. Well, he looked at way to me because he was handsome and not cute like me. But he still might be a boy. But he looked like me. Same star shape hairstyle. But I wanted to know his name so I skipping over to him. Humming something to myself. But when I got to him he looked at me confused. I smiled at him because I don't blame him. I would be confused as well.  But I asked him: "Hello... what's your name?"


Aiko: Short I know I'm sorry.

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