2.05: chapter twenty-four

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Jay was piss drunk.

The 'celebration' had been going on for a few hours, and Jay was absolutely hammered. He was sitting on the floor and kept yelling at the tv. There was an old hockey game playing, and he was trying to shout 'advice' to the players on screen. And then he turned and started complaining to us when they didn't listen.

Elle was sitting on the couch behind Jay, and, every time he turned back to the tv, she smacked him in the back of the head with a pillow. I was sitting behind Elle (sandwiched in between her body and Edi's feet, since he was sprawled out on the couch), and, every time she went to hit Jay, I poked her sides and watched as Elle busted out into laughter, the pillow half-lifted in her grip.

I leaned back in the couch, grinning at Connor. He was laying on the floor with Kelly, who had shown up the second Connor had texted her and told her we were having a party. But I didn't mind, because Kelly's head was on Con's shoulder and they were both laughing at something on his phone. I just hoped today would be the day he grew a pair and asked her out.

"No!" Jay whined, leaning backwards and resting his head on the couch. He groaned and pushed himself forward, "This game sucks!"

"Shut the fuck up, Jay," Edi muttered, voice muffled since his face was burried in the pillows. I snorted and Edi pushed himself up, blue eyes narrowed at Jay, "I swear to God I'll throw you out the goddamn window."

Connor turned and grinned at Edi, "I threatened to do that to Scott before!"

Connor and Edi started diving into a conversation about all the threats they used on their friends (it was sad how many Con used on me), and I sighed, leaning back in the couch. Elle leaned back, too, her head resting on my arm.

Elle reached over and plucked the bag of popcorn off my late. I pouted and reached for it back and she shook her head, pulling it in close to her. I grinned and wrapped my arm around her shoulder, attempting to grab the bag. Elle just laughed and and pushed her shoulder against my arm, locking it against the couch.

"How much you wanna bet I can get a piece of popcorn stuck in Jay's hair?"

I laughed and looked over at Jay. He was sitting up, his dark hair ridiculously fluffy and pushed back. Quirking an eyebrow, I turned back to Elle and sent her a challenging look, shaking my head at her.

"Nope," I said, stretching out my legs and accidentally hitting Con, "I don't think you can do it."

"Be prepared to eat your words, Wilson," Elle shot back, and I made another feeble attempt to snatch the bag of popcorn out of her hands.

"I was ready to eat my popcorn," I mumbled, pushing Elle's shoulder off my arm. I opted to just leave my arm on her shoulder, and Elle kept herself pressed against my side, "but I'll be okay seeing you eat your words, too."

"Fine," Elle stated, turning to me. Her face was right next to mine and I had to practically pry my eyes from her lips, "if I miss, you get your popcorn back. If I make it out, you don't. Deal?"


I smirked and watched as Elle plucked one piece out of the bag. Jay was sitting still and she leaned forward, setting up for her decent throw. Elle brought her hand back to flick the popcorn and I coughed loudly. I grinned in amusement when she ended up just flicking the piece up in surprise. She turned and shot me an annoyed look and I smiled innocently.

I shrugged at her accusing look, "Oops," reaching forward, I snatched the bag from her hands and happily dropped it on my lap, "I guess I get the bag."

Elle pouted up at me, and I just grinned back at her, "Just give me a handful," I scoffed and Elle sighed, flashing me a sad smile, "Please? I mean, Jay drank everything and Edi's practically got a castle of chips surrounding him. I deserve this."

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