The Middle

125 10 15

Inspired by "Use Somebody" by Kings of Leon

Kathleen grasped the tree branch above her, climbing higher as the tears became more steady.  The large pine tree provided protection from the outside world, protection that Kathleen desperately needed.  Her blue, ankle length ball gown fluttered in the mid-summer's breeze and her bare shoulders shook from the chilly evening.

"Kat! Kat, please! I didn't mean it, I swear!" She swept her deep, auburn curls from her tear-stained face and drew in a quick breath.  From the comfort of the tree, she watched him wander out of viewing range and disappear back into the building.

Above her, an owl cooed as she pressed her face against the rough bark and cried.  More voices and laughter  from below carried across the stretch of trees.  Kathleen's world had ended, but the voices reminded her that everyone else's continued.


"Kat?"  The little girl tiptoed across the hard wood floors and stared at the sleeping form on the couch.  "Kat!" she squealed with delight.  "You promised you'd be back!  They said you wouldn't, but I knew you would."

Upon hearing her nickname, Kathleen's blue eyes fluttered open and she smiled warmly.

"Morning Sunshine," she replied, throwing back the heavy afghan and tugging at her ball gown.  The girl looked at her wide-eyed, reaching out to touch the tafeta dress.

"Those are some fancy pajamas.  Never seen anything like it," she frowned.  Kathleen ruffled her hair and laughed.

"This is what I wore last night to the party, silly.  Not my pajamas!"

"You were at the party?  Mommy said I couldn't go; it's just for grownups." She wrinkled her nose.

"Your mom is right, it was--"  Kathleen was cut off by a woman's voice from the kitchen.

"Sophie Grace!  Stop bothering the company!"  She stood in the doorway, hands on hip with an apron smeared in pancake batter.

"It's great to see you, Kat.  After last year, I wasn't sure when to expect you again."  The middle aged woman smiled warmly, her tired gray eyes crinkling upwards.

"Yeah, you know me; I never stay in one place too long." 

"Why don't you shower and change?  Then we can all have breakfast.  Towels are in the closet," she said, motioning down the hall.

Once in the tub, Kathleen savored every minute with the steaming water, letting it run from her slender arms down her back.  She was reluctant to turn the water off, but had already lingered too long and so she quickly dressed.

Being the strange traveler she was, Kathleen only carried one small trunk with her, its contents including mainly clothes and few personal items, the rest was just junk she had collected.  Trinkets filled each crevice of the wooden chest; a silver necklace from Maine, a bent spoon from Wyoming.  Kat was a stray; her trinketss were a part of her as much as a stethoscope belonged to a doctor.

A/N:  I hope you like it so far!  Just to be clear, this is the middle of her story, and the next chapter will start at the beginning.  Fan/Vote/Comment!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2012 ⏰

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