Part I

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"All the other kids with the pumped up kicks, you better run, better run, outrun my gun..."

I sang along to the radio as I placed pieces of bacon on a baking sheet. I didn't have to put them in the oven until 6.45am but I liked to be ahead of things.

To fill you in; I'm at work. I work Mondays through Thursdays at night in a hotel doing various stuff. It was boring as hell, but it payed my bills.

I was taking a gap year because at the last minute I had doubts about what I wanted to be when I grew up. I had always said that I wanted to be a teacher, but know I didn't know...

Anyways, I was minding my own business placing the bacon on the baking sheets when all of a sudden the work phone I carries rang.

"Hotel Sixtus, Sam speaking." I said into the phone.

"Hello! I'm in room 165 and I was wondering if you had an ironing board I could use. See, I can't sleep so I might as well iron my shirts." The voice was hoarse, a man by all means.

"Of course. I'll bring one up to you. Room 165, right?" I said back with a cheery and service minded voice. I was maybe a little too perky at 3am.

"Thank you very much." I hung up the phone and places it back into my pocket, washed my hands and went up to find the ironing board.

I found it quite odd that one would choose iron ones shirts at 3am but I'm not one to judge.

Room 165 was on the sixth floor and after I had grabbed the board from the cupboard on the second floor I took the elevator up to the mans room.

I knocked three times on his door and waited patiently for him to open it. I had kind of expected to see an old grey man open the door, but I could not have been more wrong.

The man, or should I say guy, who opened the door wasn't wearing a shirt which didn't help my inability to stare at his toned chest. His sweatpants hung low on his hips and he had golden brown curly locks on top of his head. He was... hot, to say the least.

"There you go." I said after, what I thought, staring at him for too long. I could feel my cheeks turn red but to my luck I was able to "turn" it down quickly.

"Thank you!" He exclaimed with a huge grin on his face.

"You're welcome. Have a good night." I hummed as I turned my back to him and headed for the elevator.

Right when I had pushed the elevator button I heard footsteps running towards me.

I turned around and saw the guy I had just talked to running down the hall.

"Hey, what's your name?" He huffed slightly out of breath.

"Uhm, Sam." To say I was confused was an understatement. I didn't know why he had run all the way down the hall, just to hear my name when he could easily have seen it on my name tag. "Why?"

Hotel night shift [Ashton Irwin/5SOS]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora