Part II

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Ashton's POV

3am and I can't fall asleep. Which is just typical when the boys and I have to get up early.

I wandered around the room trying to think of something to do. I was restless, and I didn't want to just watch a movie on netflix.

And then it came to me! I should iron my shirts. Even though they're t-shirts, I had never ironed anything in my life, so I wanted to try it out.

We all had our separate rooms anyway.

I picked up the phone on the small nightstand and called down to the reception.

A woman, or girl, answered the phone and she sounded very happy. I always thought that men took the night shifts because, you know, some people think that they could defend themselves better.

I wondered how old this girl was because she didn't sound that old.

After I had asked for the ironing board and she said she would be right up I waited. On my bed. Bored out of my mind.

Suddenly a knock on the door and I almost sprinted across the floor.

I opened the door and there stood this girl.

She had brown hair pulled up into a bun and the most blue eyes that I had ever seen. She was probably the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, to be honest.

She handed me the board and told me to have a good night and walked away. I closed the door, resting my head where the peephole was.

I needed to talk to her. I pulled the door open and started running towards the elevator hoping she would still be there. I saw the back of her figure, and sorry... But the back of her looked just as good as the front.

"Hey!" I yelled and she quickly turned around. Her facial expression was hilarious. She looked so confused. But then again, so was I. I had no idea as I was running what I was going to say to her.

When I caught up to her I asked the first question that popped into my head.

"What's your name?" I mentally facepalmed myself when I remembered that she had a name tag on. Damn it, Ashton.

"Uhm, Sam. Why?" Nope. What the heck do I say now? Your face is pretty? No, that won't do.

"Not really a reason..." Think, Ashton, think. "I'm just so bored and I was wondering if I could just trail behind you? You don't even have to talk to me, I'll just blabber on, secret; I'm quite good at that." The last part I said in a whisper and thankfully she laughed. "I won't even stop you from doing your work." Hesitation was in her eyes as she looked at me like I was insane. I slightly ran my hand through my hair, a nervous habit I had.

"Okay, but on one condition..." She started as she eyed my torso. "You have to put on a shirt and some shoes." A smirk was present on her lips and i had completely forgotten that I wasn't wearing a shirt. Damn it again, Ashton.

"Yeah yeah, of course. I'll go grab it." I said and smiled a big toothy smile. I was so happy that I could trail behind her. And I didn't really want to iron my t-shirts...

"Just meet me in the kitchen." She said with a sigh as I ran back to my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2014 ⏰

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Hotel night shift [Ashton Irwin/5SOS]Where stories live. Discover now