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So, maybe she wasn't gone, per se.

But Leah was in an entirely different world. Well, realm, to be exact.

The sky seemed to be the same shade as it was in Rosetta - as if the realms were parallel. However, the difference in environment between the two realms was completely vast. For one thing, it was so crazy in the human realm. The amount of people in that single area rivaled the number of trees in the forested area of Rosetta. Dozens of humans pushed past Leah, paying no mind to her at all. This both concerned her and filled her with a sense of relief. But there were just so many of them. Leah was getting disoriented.

She started to breathe heavily, as she turned in quick, rapid circles. Where was Luke? His blonde hair would not be easy to spot in the crowd. Michael! Surely, she could spot his fluorescent pink hair somewhere -


Relief immediately flooded her. She turned to face the direction the voices had came from, and spotted Luke and Michael waiting in between two massive walls with huge smiles. Leah made her way over, trying to wrap her mind around her surroundings.

The walls seemed to be part of buildings, made of some sort of stone. There were buildings in Rosetta made of stone as well, but they were nothing like in the human realm. These buildings appeared dark and gloomy, and were intimidating as they towered over Leah. This wasn't exactly the greatest first impression that Leah wanted. Luke and Michael had promised her bright colours - but the buildings were dark, and the humans were just rushing by.

She voiced these complaints when she reached them. Luke and Michael simply laughed.

"You haven't seen anything yet," Michael chastised. "Just wait. I'm confident you'll love it here after we've showed you everything."

"Let's start with pizza," Luke suggested, light dancing in his eyes, and Michael agreed with an exclamation of delight.

Leah didn't even bother to try and hide her smile as she witnessed the boys' excitement. She would admit that she had been quick to come to her own conclusions. Maybe this "pizza" thing would turn her opinions around.

She began to take a step forward, but her knees buckled from underneath her. She almost fell to the ground, but luckily Michael caught her.

"Ugh," Michael groaned. "I forgot; your legs are probably weak due to the fact that you hardly use them back at home."

"Oh," Leah let her voice fill with disappointment. She didn't want to be a burden. "Maybe I can just go back, then -"

"No," Luke's words were firm. "We'll help you." With that, he took the other arm that Michael was not grasping, and wrapped it tightly within his own. Michael nodded in agreement, and Leah shot them grateful smiles.

Where would she be without her two best friends?


Leah, Luke, and Michael had to walk a little ways away before they reached the store that sold pizza (Luke and Michael claimed it was the best). The entire time, Leah pestered them with questions.

"So, where in the human realm are we?"


"Where's that?"


"Where's that?" Leah repeated the question as they approached a smaller, shabbier-looking building.

Michael laughed, while Luke just sighed. "Let's just leave it at London, okay?"

Leah nodded, and Michael held the door open for her. As soon as she entered, a strange composition of aromas filled her nose. She could identify the scent of cheese and tomatoes, but they didn't smell like they did in Rosetta.

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