Naraku vs Dio Brando

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So two of my favorite anime is JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and InuYasha. And for those of you who have never seen JJBA let me tell you one is very Bizarre as the title says!

So, I did Dio Brando from Part One: Phantom Blood of JoJo vs the infamous Naraku. Both are the main Antogonist of the anime they are from.

Naraku: A half demon, who used to be a human, in search of the Jewel Shards.
When he was a human he had gone through a lot, had severe and fatal injuries then fell for the priestess, Kikyo, who nursed him. He called upon the demons to feast on his flesh and restore his mobility and strength, thus Naraku was born.

Dio Brando:  A young man who ascended humanity and became a vampire, feared by most. You'll see a lot of Dio in JoJo.

Both are major assholes but are greatly written characters. I'm that one girl who always has a soft spot for the villains in the series. No hate ples~!

Lmk what you think in the comments below what you think. I am aware I did make a few errors on this piece, and I am debating on wether or not I want to fix it or redo it entirely.

Give me your critiques??
Thank you~♡!


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