thats gay kevin

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it was a normal day is the gray garden,emalf was crying himself to sleep,yosafire was still gay for froze,ivlis was still a prick and a big bully,and etihw loved kcalb. then all the gays were screeching like wow i cant even like omg sans would never do this i am more emo than jonathan like wow.everyone else was just there and they all were drinking the good juice and watching vocaloid.Yosafire yelled out 'HATSUNE MIKU IS THE BEST VOCALOID' and then all the gays started attacking her and raging at her,yosafire was then found dead 4 hours later.Macarona and Rawberry were in a random persons house because they are sneaky  fucks who do what they want,rawberry was singing the maybe ill be tracer while macarona joined her and they sang for like 8395436827874564783984756473829 million hours,then they decided to read one their fanfics and macarona was grossed out but rawberry just had a smug face so just imagine it because im too lazy to go look for a picture of google and paste it on here so use your imagination you fricks.Chelan and Dialo were making apple pies at her house and nothing happened because i love them and cant think of anything to do about them so deal with it. Emalf was crying himself to sleep because he found out Yosafire was a lesbean,yet he still loved her,wait is it weird to love a girl but yet shes a lesbian,i keep thinking of the weird fanart that i see on tumblr and google ew but like go off if you ship it.i cant think of anything else to write so like yay thats awesome 10/10 best day of my god damn life also heather likes sans coochie thanks for listening bye

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