chapter one; sleepy hollow

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CHAPTER ONE,sleepy hollow

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sleepy hollow.

As the months turned into years and seasons changed Magnus Coulter gradually flourished into quite a pleasant lad to those who knew him. The trio of centaurs who guarded the hut became quite fond of the boy the moment Baba Yaga decided to take him on as her own. As such, the boy was secretly accompanied by them whenever he left the hut to explore as they had a habit of being rather overprotective.

However, the relationship between Baba Yaga and Magnus over the years was a very odd one to say the least, mainly because when the boy grew older he affectionately referred the dark witch to being his mother, much to her dislike. But, as much as she tried to get him to stop calling her such a title she soon found herself giving up and accepting being called his mother — but secretly deep down she was quite fond of the new profound title.

Today it was the first of June, Magnus' birthday and the usual quiet hut was now filled with excitement as he awoke in his bedroom that very morning, squealing as he knew what day it was. Bolting up from his bed the boy went to leave it before having his foot be tangled up in his bed sheet, causing him to land on his bedroom floor with a loud thud. He couldn't help but laugh, blowing a stray thread of his auburn hair away from his eyes before pushing himself off from the floor.

Dashing to open the door the auburn haired boy without a moments notice ventured down the small hallway of the hut and into the main room shared by both the kitchen and living room. He gently tip-toed as he entered the room, seeing his mother seated at the kitchen table appearing to be enjoying herself a bowl of warm lentil soup with her back noticeably turned to him.

A little grin made its way to his lips, as he sneaked closer and closer behind the small woman, boldly attempting to give the old witch a fright. However, sharply breathing in a puff of air the boy prepared himself to let out a merciless “Boo!” but was quickly stopped as a rooted vine from the hut snatched him by the ankle, lifting him off from the ground.

Hey! No fair!” Magnus huffed, dangling upside down, the vine proceeding to coil around his ankle tightly as the boy started to thrash against it to try and free himself. “I thought you were on my side hut!?”

The hut only replied with a loud creek at the young boys words, causing Magnus to whine in irritation. "This is not funny, hut! Okay it is a little bit but still!"

“That's what you get my child,” Baba Yaga hummed, taking a spoonful of her lentil soup into her mouth. “You may as well give up trying to scare me.”

Never! Magnus chanted loudly with a grin, flailing his arms as he did. “Ma, one day I'll scare you just wait!”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2019 ⏰

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