Chapter. 4

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Out of Alana's, Jason's and Chase's life, Devon's was the loneliest, because he had no one. His parents didn't give a crap about him, only cared about there work, which got them filthy rich. So Devon spent his time at home, not even bothering to go to school, and when his parents got home all they did was argue.

So when Devon was in pain and was finally growing his wings, his parents could care less.

*Aaaaaaaaaaah!* He screamed in pain while hunched over on the floor. "MOM, DAD! HELP," he yelled out, but obviously they didn't listen. He didn't know what to do, so he crawled towards his gigantic bathroom and took off his shirt. It was drenched in thick blood, same as his back. So he took off his clothes and shakily hoped in the shower, trying to not think about the unbearable pain. Once he was done he got out of the shower and looked at his now raw back, bones, that's all, oh and the orange colored feathers. "What the fuck," he said. "No, this is all a dream... I'm going to bed," he said once more and headed off to bed.


Devon woke up with a painful headache and back, and decided to head downstairs to get some painkillers. He crawled out of bed and headed towards the door, to hear his parents, once again, yelling at eachother about nonsense. He climbed down stairs and once he's in the kitchen he looks through all the cupboards and eventually he finds them. He hears his mothers heels walking towards the kitchen. "Morning son," his mother said with a blank face.

"Morning mother," he replied back.

"I've got special news for you," she said monotonously and turned towards her son.

Devon raised an eyebrow and said, "what is it this time mother, finally filing a divorce," he said not even caring if that sounded rude.

Devon got out a water bottle for the tablets and his mother continued. "Well no, in fact we got you an offer at our work, and you'll be starting next week," Devon's mother for once was actually happy.

"Oooh, so let me guess. This isn't just about my education, it's about the money, right?" Devon says, knowing he's right.

"Exactly" Devon's mother says, while on her phone not paying attention.

Devon takes the pill and swallows it with the water. "Ok then, I'm off, to my room."

Devon starts to walk off until another searing pain goes up and down his back, he falls to the ground and whimpers. He hears his fathers big foot steps head his way, "what are you doing on the floor, boy?" His father said, moving aside and grabbing the newspaper.

"Well if your two heads weren't stuck up your arses then you might of paid attention to your freaking son!" Devon yelled getting frustrated.

A minute later, Devon's mother finally responds, "mmmmh, that's nice to hear, son."

Devon got off of the floor and headed towards his bedroom, fuming angrily from the lack of attention.

Now, you may know what happens next. He starts to get his wings and his parents didn't even notice or even care. Then, he doesn't go to the job interview, permanently disappointing his parents and making them argue more about his ungrateful life. But Devon already knew what his life was gonna be like, being a mutant, 'it was going to be awesome,' he thought.

Without the normal attention a child should normally get, he became reckless. With his new wings he would do anything that would make him a bit happier, like scaring the neighbors and pretending to be a devil in a cloak. But not everything lasts for ever, so he changed his appearance, no more filthy rich ginger teen, now he was a the teen with blue hair and blue wings, how ironic. But finally Devon thought that this was enough and he should go somewhere, that's not the hell he's living in. So he set off to a mutant school, the one and only Charles School For Gifted Youngsters.

"And where are you going mister," Devon turned around, the over large coat he was wearing making him look like he was going back packing.

"Uh, well if you'd really like to know, I'm leaving, for good," he said, feeling confident that he can make it.

"Hahahaha," his father laughed a malicious laugh, "I dont think so, me and your mother have got you another interview and where sure you'll get it," still looking dead as ever, his father reached out and took off Devon's hat and coat without warning, 'oh this is perfect, now I'm going to get a full lecture of how i'm a cursed child, from being a mutant' and Devon was right.

"What the fuck are those!?" His father screamed, and being a stubborn teen, Devon opened the door, looked back once more and flew out of that hell whole. Not bothering to say good by.


A couple of sleepless days is all it took for Devon to reach the mansion like school, and he was ecstatic. Just a couple yards away, Devon flew to the ground and instantly fell over, from the lack of not using his legs. 'Maybe I should just fly there instead,' so Devon got up again and flew the rest of the way. Minutes later he got closer to the school and to his amazement he saw other mutants on the grass all looking different and some looking normal. He flew back down to the grass, closer to the door, he tried to hold his balance but it didn't help, people around him were starting to look at him worryingly, some even getting up to help.

"Hey there, would you like some help," he looked up and saw a women with short red hair, Devon tried to speak but nothing came out, so he just nodded. The lady lifted Devon up without using her arms, 'well obviously shes a mutant with powers that move stuff, duh' Devon said to himself.

"Precisely," the lady said again. She helped Devon towards the door and by then Devon got the hang of it, walking by himself. She led him to a door in the wall, and it magically opened, revealing and large classroom/office. 'Huh, I've seen bigger,' he said to himself.

"Oh Devon, your finally here," and old man said in a wheel chair. He came up to Devon and shook his hand, "I've been waiting for you."

"Oh, that's nice," he said in a raspy voice.

"Come in, come in," the man urged, "here sit down. Let me introduce you to Alana Simpleton, and Chase Mcallister," Devon has just noticed the two other people sitting next to him. Then, he noticed something else, they both had wings similar to his. "Alana, Chase, this here is Devon De Silver," they both waved at Devon.

"How'd you get blue wings," Chase said to Devon, looking closely at his blue wings.

"Well I obviously dyed them," Devon said sassily, making Alana laugh.

"Kids, I think you three are enjoying yourself, so I'm going to leave you here. I'll be back," and with that, the old man was out the door, leaving the three mutants alone.

No one had said a word, and the old man came back just as fast as he left. The three mutants all turned around to see another boy, with wings like them, standing at the door way, looking at them suspiciously. Then the old man spoke up again, "know that your all here, let's begin."

'Well this is going to be a big journey.'


Helloooooo guys

Please comment and tell me which of the Four was the best chapter 👍🏼.

This was the last chapter of the thing of just posting about the four, and that dosnt make any sense. Anyway, this just means that I'm starting it in the now tense, yup.



The Four » X-Men Fan Fiction Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora