The Coma Continued

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It's been a month since giving birth and you're still in the coma, Boingo hasn't visited. In fact no one has heard from him since that day.

It was a Tuesday afternoon and you open your eyes to find yourself in a hospital bed. You look around the room and see nothing, no sign of anyone being around. Just then you wonder why you're here.

As you start thinking a nurse walks in and is surprised to see you awake.

Nurse: Oh my gosh you're awake!
Y/n: What's going on? Why am I here?
Nurse: Oh you don't know, well you gave birth to the twins and then slipped into a coma.
Y/n: WHAT?
Nurse: Don't worry, although not common with child birth you are perfectly safe.
Y/n: Well where are my children.
Nurse: your son is doing fine he's in the NICU sonde he was born so early, and well I don't know how to say this. Your daughter didn't make it past birth, she's dead.

You start to feel tears well up in your eyes

Y/n: N-n-no that's not true, I heard her cry!
Nurse: That's impossible, she was born not breathing from the reports.
Y/n: My baby is alive, someone took her!!!

You start to get violent, the nurse quickly steps back and hits a red button on the wall. Just then the room is flooded with security, they start to hold you down. The last thing you see before you drift off is a familiar looking man putting a mask over your face.

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