Death on your doorstep - 1

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Heavy breathing is all you could hear as the observant dashed through the alleyways of happy harbor he knew that there was a meeting of the main justice league and their charges he knew that this was his last chance to correct what they had done. He hoped to save himself but he knew that his fate had been sealed that day but just maybe this league of justice could bring justice to them and all the observant's that had fallen by his hand. He was sent by the last of the observant's to warn the hero's of this time. As the observant phased through the wall a silent alarm went off to all the young justice and the main league and they all ran to the room to see the observant bent over panting robes in shambles torn and burnt.
"Heroes!... I-i have come to warn you... and-and seek your aid" the observant panted out of breath and scared out of his mind
"Who are you" the bat asked
"I am an observant... we watch the timeline and send orders to correct errors before the timelines collapse and we have overlooked a great detail"
"And What was this detail" the super man asked
"There was a- there were two great threats to the timeline possibilities of great death and destruction in their wake. We took it upon ourselves to get rid of these possibilities-"
"Get rid?" The bat asked gruffly
"Y-yes, we saw that they needed to begone. But they were under the protection of a being that we thought was under our control enough that they would be able to do nothing to stop us but we didn't take into consideration that they have powers much greater than ours and it never occurred to us how much he... cared about those monsters-" at this bitter word the room grew cold and the observant's eye widened in realization.
"Please! You must help m-"
"Monsters?" A deep voice echoed through the cave and the observant whimpered the voice chuckled though it was holo void of emotion
"The only monster I see here is you"
"It had to be done!" The observant defended himself in his last moments "Those creatures had to die for this world to live-" the observant choked and was lifted into the air scratching at the hand holding his throat. A person bled into existence they saw a gloved hand with three watches on a blue arm the person was wearing a long tattered cloak that covers him only exposing his vivid angry blood red eyes another thing was he was covered in a slightly luminescent green liquid that seemed to scare the observant even more
"Those creatures were my family, my loved ones, the only people who had ever cared about me and you took them away" he growled
"They were far from innocent-"
"Daniel was the most innocent being I have ever laid eyes on and we both know that is the truth. He could do no wrong"
"But he did once, one bad thought and he destroyed the entire world and you fixed it and we were just supposed to take that he learned from his mistakes!"
"He hadn't know that such a small change in the timeline could cause such catastrophic events!"clockwork yelled " He had done it only thinking of the benefits of others and not of himself and paid dearly"
"That boy-!" Clockwork closed his hand around the observant's throat and in a calm voice said
"Do. Not. speak of my son again you don't even deserve to think of his name" he let the observant breath once more though the ghost didn't necessarily need to breath being deprived of something they once heavily needed caused most ghosts deep stress
"Then what of your insufferable husband-" the observant was chocked again
"There has been many wrongs done on to him and he lashed out in a way that only harmed himself." Clockwork stated shortly
"They weren't natural!" The observant gasped
"Who are you to define what is natural or not"
"I am an observant" he said confidently
"You did nothing but watch. I am the god here, everything bends to my will, you and your council tried to get me to bend to your will make the world into your image I put up with all of you for far to long and paid dearly. I was blinded by my serenity. But now you shall bend to my will and my will is for you to be gone. Forever."
"They weren't meant to live as long as they already had, it was their time!"
"They were immortal even without my interference they were meant to live as long as I wanted them to which is much longer than you, speaking of which I think your words are being used against you. More so action" he said as he crushed the observant. His body and clothes dissolving into a green goo giving the onlookers a clear idea of what he was covered in. Most of the hero's got over their shock and put it for later getting in a defensive position to defend the others who didn't quite understand what just happened.
"I have no want to harm any of you my revenge has been taken now that the last observant is dead" he said in a sorrowful defeated tone that seemed to confuse all
"I didn't want to hurt anyone yet they left me no choice when they..." he trailed off leaning into himself wrapping his arms around his waist his white hair that obviously haven't been taken care of in a while covering his face. Most of the team lowered their stances at this clear attempt to make himself small obviously in immense grief the others were still weary.
"What-what did they do to you?" M'gann said she could feel the pulsing waves of sadness coming from the man and was trying her hardest not to just invade his mind and see what is wrong.
"They took away the only things I cared about and thought that they were just in their decision. And thank you young lady for trying not to pry into my mind" he spoke the last part into her mind being the only one to hear her mental gasp.
"What are you going to do now that you've got your revenge?" She questioned
"I don't know. They were truly my everything"
"There's nothing you can do to get them back?" The older krptonian questioned "He said you have power over time can't you go back and stop them?"
"If only It were that easy" clockwork sighed "while I can go back in time and prevent things from happening if there is a threat to the worlds safety and I can only interfere if the matter directly involves me in any case meaning I can take revenge over the observants for killing my family but I myself can not go back and prevent their deaths without having at least been there when they died but the observants made sure I couldn't."
"What did they do" Batman asked
"They caused a natural disaster that would have wiped out half the globe to go under my nose long enough so that I had to deal with it immediately and couldn't leave until it was done I only realized what was happening when I felt their pain and heard their screams by then it was too late. They made their deaths quick and painful"
Some had tears in their eyes others had looked away from the poor mans sorrowful gaze.
"You said I myself." The bat said
"Yes I remember this"
"So that means someone else go instead of you"
They all watched those broken dull red eyes become a blinding red with emotion, Hope and desperation.
"If- I If you-are you offering?" The man hesitated and stuttered over his words it was as if he had no hope that they would even think to.
"Of course" Superman said" "We do anything to prevent the deaths of innocents"
"The observants or my family?" He asked lowly
"It does not matter who is in the wrong as long as as many deaths could be prevented" the Boy Scout said patriotically
"A good answer that is indeed"
"So do you accept our offer" Superman asked
"I would be a fool not to" the man said tiredly like this was his last option knowing the mans apparent power over time it might as well be.
"I will be able to send you far enough back to about the time the observants put their plan into action. From the information I've gathered it was not long before...  you won't be able to physically interfere unless it's required you will know when to do so but observe and gather information till the time is right. Which of you shall partake in this journey?" All the main leaguers looked at each other and stepped forward
"Nightwing your in charge while I'm gone inform the rest of the league of our mission" Batman said curtly to his protege who nodded back
"Are you already" the man said tiredly but his body still exuded strengths he took a stance
"Yes but may we know your name" Superman asked
The man smiled and as he lifted his staff in-front of him and as he quickly lowered it to the ground they heard and echo of one word

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2019 ⏰

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