Chapter 9

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*Harry's POV*

We had just finished our third movie and Isabelle was passed out in my arms. "Mate! We're going to head out for some drinks. Care to join?" Niall whispered while Lou, Liam, Zayn, Danielle, and Emily were putting on their coats. "No, it's fine. I'll stay here with Bells." I said and waved goodbye to the others. "Don't wait up!" Liam called out. "Condoms are in the bathroom!" Zayn said before shutting the door.

I slid out of Isabelle's grasp careful not to wake her up and shut off the TV. I let out a yawn before lifting her bridal style and carrying her into my room with no struggle at all. "...Baby?" She croaked out fluttering her eyes open. "Sorry. Did i wake you?" I asked before setting her down on my bed. "No. Thank you for taking me to your room." She said and kissed my cheek. "May i borrow a shirt of yours? I think i'll just spend the night." I nodded and went to my wardrobe and pulled out a white button up shirt.

She took the shirt and went in my bathroom and shut the door. I peeled off my shirt and took off my pants leaving me just in my boxers. Before I could hop into bed Isabelle came out of the bathroom. Her hair was down from her bun leaving a long curly mess down her back. The shirt had come about mid thigh revealing her gorgeous legs. She saw the way I was staring at her and started to giggle and bite her lip. "Get over here babe." I said as she pranced toward me.

Her hands were on my chest and my arms around her waist. "So where were we before they interrupted us in the kitchen?" She asked with a cheeky smile. I flashed her a grin. "Mmm some where like this." I said while pulling her legs around my waist and placing my lips upon hers. She immediately started to kiss me back and wrapping her hands around my neck to deepen the kiss.

I started to walk towards the bed and placed her down, slowly climbing on top of her. I kissed her neck until i found her sweet spot. "Oh my god.." She said as i started sucking gently on her neck. I continued at this spot for a couple minuets before she grabbed my face and smashed her lips into mine. I felt her smile against our kiss causing both of us to giggle. The kiss got more passionate as I slowly unbuttoned her shirt, revealing her black lace bra and panties. I kissed her down to her chest till she stopped me. "Harry... do you.. have protection?" She said inbetween breaths. "Yes! I'll be back in a second!" I said and kissed her quickly before running into the bathroom.

"Condoms condoms condoms... Where are the fucking condoms?!" I said while searching the whole bathroom. I couldn't find them anywhere and I'm not NOT going to sleep with that amazing girl. I realized my only option left was to call Zayn. I pulled out my phone and dialed his number. Each ring got more annoying. "Hellooo!" Zayn said happily. "Where are the condoms?!" I yelled into the phone hoping he would just tell me and not make fun of me.  

"Oh you need CONDOMS?!" Zayn yelled causing the guys and girls to laugh and yell things into the phone. "Come on Zayn you're killing me over here!" I said. "Haarryyy!" I heard Isabelle call out from the bedroom. I covered the phone so they wouldn't hear me. "I'll be out in a second babes!" I yelled back to Isabelle. "I think they're in the cabinet under the sink!" Zayn said as i put my phone back to my ear. I opened the cabinet and found them. "THANK YOU!" I yelled into the phone. "Have fuun!" they all said. "Fuck you!" I replied while taking one out of the box. "Isabelle already is!" I heard Louis say causing them all to laugh. I shut off the phone and ran back into the room.

"Took you long enough!" Isabelle said while gesturing for me to come over. I crawled on top of her and resumed kissing her pink soft lips. "Someone's happy to see me!" She said giggling and running her fingers through my curls. "You're damn right love." I said as she wrapped her legs around my waist.

*Isabelle's POV*

Harry kissed me softly before rolling off of me. "Wow." He said panting. "I know!" I said in between breaths. He pulled me into his bare chest and kissed my forehead. We laid there naked waiting to catch our breaths before one of us spoke. "Harry, I need to tell you something.." I said while looking up at him. "Aw man was I that bad?!" He asked with a worried expression on his face. I giggled. "No, Baby you were amazing! Probably the best!" I said, re-assuring his confidence. "Well then what is it?" He asked while turning to his side to face me. "Well.. it's about Isaiah." I said. 

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