Chapter One

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I stared out to my driveway as the rain dripped down my window. A quick glance at my clock confirmed to me that my friends were late, half an hour to be exact. I needed things to happen exactly on time or else I would start worrying and jumping into conclusions. Like what if they had a car crash?

Don’t be stupid Ash; those things only happened in the news and to people you don’t know… right? No? It WAS a pretty windy and wet day, and they weren’t here yet… it couldn’t be, not my friends. Just to be sure, I picked up my phone and started to dial Mara’s number. Right at that moment her mum’s minivan pulled up on to my driveway. A small smile spread across my face as I ran downstairs. See Ash? Just your mind and nothing else.

I greeted all of my friends by pulling them into hugs; first there was Mara, then Amy, followed by Carly, Sophie and Sadie. They were my best friends; we did everything together from sitting together at lunchtime at school to planning out futures. I thought all of my friends were amazingly beautiful, whereas me... I won’t even go there. Mara’s mum waved to me from her car as she pulled away from the driveway, I waved back flashing her a smile.

There was a loud thud as the door slammed shut; it must be pretty windy out there.

“Sooo what did you guys want to do first?” I asked taking all of their jackets and placing them on the rack that was out front.

“Ooh ooh where’s your bedroom?” Carly happily asked. I met Carly later than I met my other friends but that didn’t mean that we weren’t close. She was funny and probably the most outgoing out of all us, and she wasn’t afraid to say anything. I liked her that way, that’s what made her unique.

“This way” I said while making my way back upstairs to show them to my bedroom, they haven’t been here before. We recently moved to this new house, this one was way better than my previous one, more space, more freedom and more privacy. So, we’ve been here for only about two weeks and my parents think it’s a golly great idea for them to go on a vacation for a week, leaving me and my older brother alone. It’s ok, really. I mean I am turning fifteen soon, and my brother was seventeen, so what could possibly go wrong?

“Heyy.. why don’t we give Ash a makeover!” Sadie suggested after a while. I like Sadie, she’s sweet and funny- but sometimes she can be really mean without even knowing it. She is pretty with her straight long brownish hair and light brown eyes. Did I mention she was sporty? She is very sporty

“Excuse me? Are you calling me ugly?” I said sarcastically.

“No, I was just saying… no, never mind” she finished.

“I’m just kidding Sades, I don’t care” I said as I sat on my soft bed. “Well we could play truth or dare” I added. This got a good response from the girls so we walked over to my lounge room. Clearing out the space, we sat on the floor making a small circle.

“I want to go first!” Sophie declared and aiming her question towards Mara she asked “Truth or dare?” She is the bossy one out of the group, but its fine we’ve all gotten used to it. She has long straight blonde hair and blue eyes, typical beauty. She moved from England to over here about two years ago, so she had a bit of an English accent which is slowly fading away now.

“Hmm… truth” Mara replies.

“If you were to kill someone in this room, who would it be?”

That’s when Mitch comes over to the kitchen; he’s my older brother, such a pain in the ass. He is two years older than me, and frankly I don’t know how we’re related- we’re nothing alike!

“Yeah him” Mara finally replies. Everyone burst out laughing, except for Mitch who was just standing there with a confused look on his face...such a stoner. Mara was the funny one in the group, if anyone was feeling down- she was the one to go to. She could turn a frown to a grin within seconds, well maybe not- but you know what I mean. She also had little freckles on her face, which she didn’t seem to like but I thought they were adorable.

“Are you guys playing truth or dare?” Mitch asked grabbing a can of coke from the fridge and walking over to where we were sitting.

“Yes, now go away Mitch- no one likes you” I replied poking my tongue out at him.

“Can I give you all a dare?” he said ignoring me.

“Urgh, fine… what do you want?” I replied giving him an annoyed look.

"I dare you all to do the Bloody Mary ritual at night” he said with a small smirk on his face.


If your reading this, HI!  please feel free to leave a comment below on how I can improve and whether or not you like it :D I'd appreciate it, K thanks bye x

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