I don't miss you, but I do

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I stood inside the bus, listening to my music. The song was called 'Life Letters' made by the artist 'Never Get Used To People'. I looked at my surroundings after putting my phone back in my pocket. I saw her. One of my former friends that I've left rotting in the dust. 

Why? Because she deserved it. We were best friends. 

I invited her to a BTS concert and paid for the stay, did everything to please her but after that week in Berlin, she didn't talk to me. It was when 'Burn The Stage: The Movie' came out, for which I also paid, came out. We had fun and were very emotional. On the same day, my now ex-boyfriend broke up with me. I cried and tried to commit suicide with the overdosing on Xanax. My body had the reflex to throw it up, which was lucky for me. Anyways, a month went by and she didn't talk to me again. One day I had dance practice. After the dance practice, I went to a Bubble tea shop, like every Thursday, but this Thursday went differently. I had myself as a profile picture. My face was fully beat. I had on contouring, foundation, eyeliner, everything. Well, my also former friend texted me, asking who the person on my profile picture was and I said it was me. Then she started saying that it wasn't me and if it was actually me, I edited it to a large extent which wasn't the case. She kept on bothering me, trying to ruin my mood. After a while, I was done with her bullshit and blocked her.

Question: Why do people block someone?

Most Frequent Answer: I block people because they make me want to never interact with them again.

Knowing that you shouldn't try to contact the person who has blocked you, only if you know for a certain that the person who blocked you was just joking around. And that's where the girl from the beginning is back in the conversation. The next day she was sending me messages from the girl I've blocked because she wanted to let me now some things. Now, wouldn't you be mad if your supposed best friend didn't talk to you for months and only messages you because she wanted forward you a message from a person you blocked because you don't want to talk to them? Well, I was pissed. I got mad at her because she didn't bother to message me before but forwards me messages from someone else, that I specifically don't want to talk to. Then she tried to save herself, saying that wasn't the only reason she texted me. She said that she wanted to ask if I'm busy the next day. Falling for her tricks again, we met up and had "fun". But when she again didn't talk to me for a month and started forwarding me the messages of the blocked girl again, I've lost my shit and blocked her too. I blocked both of their numbers on not only the messenger app but also on the general contacts on my phone. I deleted both of their numbers. They then both tried to reach me on social media. I went furious and blocked them everywhere. Don't you understand, I don't want to talk to you? 

I've asked myself, do I miss her? Do I miss the old times? The answer is No. I don't miss you. I don't want to talk to you, I don't want to see you. I want to move away because of you. You ruined my life to a certain extent.

Fuck you, I hate you. Go die in a fucking hole you fucking piece of shit. I hope you get cancer and become a wreck you cunt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2019 ⏰

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