Chapter 1: First Day

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It was my first day at Keiser school in Miami. I moved to Miami from Texas. You know that feeling when you are about to get on a roller coaster, and your stomach feels light as a feather? That's what I was feeling. I was scared to death. Not only am I the new kid, but I'm also a freshman. 

I woke up sat 7 am. The sun was shining bright and there was a warm breeze flowing. Maybe my first day wouldn't be so bad after all.

My mom yelled to me from downstairs, "Raini hurry the fuck up you're gonna be late!"

I quickly flew down the stairs and grabbed a ripe banana on my way out. My mom and I quickly got in the car and left.

"Now remember, you're a very pretty girl so keep your legs closed cause we all know those seniors only want one thing from a freshman like you," my mom said.

"Omg mom!!!!" I yelled as we pulled up to the front entrance of the school.

"I'm just telling it how it is. Now remember to pay attention and have fun!"

I walked through the front entrance, and I looked at my phone for just a second when I bumped into... Him.

This was no high school boy, this was a man. 

He softly says "Watch where your going", I swear when he said that my vagina grew hands that were reaching to meet his.

I was alone in all of my classes, and I sat alone at lunch. As I was packing up to go back to class I was stopped by a girl, I soon learned her name, Ariana. We talked for a minute and soon learned that we had the next class together. 

After school, she asked me to hang out with her. We went to her house and ate celery sticks. She introduced me to her pet pig, Piggy Smalls. She soon asked me if it was ok if her boyfriend Pete came over.  "Of course!" I said.

The first words I ever heard come out of Pete's mouth were "What are you two, a couple of lesbos?" I was not impressed.

"Hey so i'm having a party next friday" exclaimed Pete "you two lesbos should come!"

Pete gave me a strange look when he said that, almost like a smirk.

I hesitated for a second. "sure" I said, "sounds fun"

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