No one loves, no one cares

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When the blue, vast skies grow dark

And the orange streetlights go down

When people drift away to unconsciousness

And the rivers slow down

A girl sits up

With a paper in her lap

And a pen in her hand

The lamp beside her table glows

And she writes away her sorrowful thoughts

She scribbles and scrabbles

Never once stopping

A single tear falls off

From the corner of her right eye

And she swiftly wipes it away

Realizing that she'd been crying

While writing her dark thoughts away

She was so numb

And so focused

Her hand ached

Her eyes drooped

Her mind begged her to stop

But she was oblivious

To the silent pleads of her own body

Her eyes were bloodshot

Her wrists were full of scars

that no one saw

All she wanted was someone to love her

All she wanted was someone to care

Her hand ceased writing

Her eyes closed for a moment

She thought of her miserable life

She thought of her dark reality

She knew she was ready for this

For she would do anything to escape such a world

Where people don't love

Where people don't care

She picked up her pen again

And didn't hesitate to write

A last goodbye at the end of the paper

The pen fell to the ground

The paper had her own teardrops fallen on it

As if the paper had been crying

Carrying such a sorrowful story

She opened her drawer

And took out the razor

Which was already bloodstained

For it was the only thing that gave her comfort

But this time would be different

This time she'd be gone

This time it won't be just a cut

This time it would be death

She tightly closed her eyes

Ready for the pain

And then ready for freedom

A small smile creeped to her lips

As she ran the sharp thing over her wrist

She lay lifeless

With a pool of blood surrounding her

Her lips were still formed into a ghostly smile

It was true happiness

It was true bliss

She had finally escaped the world

Where no one loved

Where no one cared

Where she never got true happiness

And she left it all behind

And flew away with the angels

Next morning her folks found her lifeless body

They cried

They said they loved her

They said they cared

But truth is

No one loves

No one cares

They only do so

When you are dead


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