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"Minho-ah!" Someone screamed.

Minho turned around to see the source of the voice. He smiled, it was his best friend forever after, Felix Lee.

"Felix! When did you get here?"

"Just a few minutes ago, but I couldn't wait to see you!" He gave the elder a hug. "I missed you this summer, hyung!"

Minho laughed. "Felix, I missed you too! But let me go, you're still a little bit damp."

Felix let go and looked down at his clothes. "Oh, sorry hyung. I didn't realize."

"It's fine."

"Minho!" Another person called. He looked over Felix's head to see who it was.

"Channie!" He ran around Felix to give the newcomer a hug. "Hey, I missed you!"

"Missed you too, dude! How could I not miss the one guy who made me make seven bundles 'just in case'?"

"You never know! I mean--"

"Ahem," Felix said quietly. The raven-haired boy and the newcomer both turned his way.

"Oh, right. Chan this is Felix. Felix, Chan."

But Chan wasn't listening. He was too busy looking at the sparkling green eyes belonging to the stunning red-haired male in front of him. Felix was blushing furiously under his gaze. He knew he was gorgeous, and he had many other people stare at him before, both male and female. But never with such intensity. The other gazes had always been filled with lust, but this boy's eyes were filled with curiosity, wonder, and warmth. He could stare at them forever.

"I'm Chan, but you can call me Christopher if you prefer. That's the name I was born with," Chan said as he held his hand out to greet the green-eyed boy.

"I-I'm Felix, but my other name is Yongbok. Call m-me either one, I-I don't care." Chan found the others slight stutter very cute, but he was also taken aback at how deep his voice was.

When Minho looked at the two, he smirked. "I'll leave you to it," he said and ran off laughing. But, unfortunately, just as he rounded the corner, someone else turned in that exact same direction.

"Ah!" Both people screamed.

Minho landed on his back. "Ouch," he said. He stretched his arm behind him to check himself. He hissed. When he brought his fingers back, he saw a small amount of blood. Minho looked behind him and saw a rock, small in size, but big enough to cause some harm. Groaning, he looked at the person he ran into.  The boy's head was down, attempting to pick up all the objects he dropped. "Uh, I'm sorry about that, I didn't mean to."

"Oh no, don't worry! I'm in no rush! Just trying to find my dorm... This place is like a maze." The boy laughed and finally looked up. Minho did a double take.


That was what first came to mind when he saw the stranger. He had luscious black locks that Minho wanted to immediately run his fingers through. His skin was pale and flawless, he looked like a porcelain doll. And his lips--oh, his lips--were a dark blood red on the inner lip, but faded into a lush pink towards the ends. But what caught Minho's attention the most was his eyes. One was a chocolaty brown, warm and inviting. But the other was absolutely captivating.


Hard and cold like ice, but somehow warm and sweet like the sky in spring. It was hard to explain, but Minho didn't need to. He just felt the need to stare at this boy until he went blind from age. But alas, he couldn't.

"Excuse me, are you there?"

Minho shook his head. "Um, sorry, did you say something?"

The boy laughed and stuck his hand out. "I'm Jisung."


"Well, Minho," Jisung said, "could you help me find my dorm?"

Minho nodded. "Sure, I've already got my things settled and I went here last year, so I know my way around the dorm pretty well."

Jisung smiled. "Then I'm glad I ran into you."

Minho melted at the sight of Jisung's smile. It was so pure, like the hand of Innocence herself had been the first one to touch him after birth. (Where was Innocence anyway? That fairy was never there when you needed her.)

"I hate that they don't just tell us the room number. Why does everything have to be a riddle?" Jisung pouted. Minho internally screamed. Why is he so cute?! He asked himself. "I mean, if Jeongin had been here--"

"Wait. You know Jeongin?"

"Yeah, you do too?"

Minho shrugged. "I'm friends with his big brother."

"Ah," Jisung said. They continued to walk in silence.

"Y'know," Minho said suddenly, "I'm fluent in Riddlish, too. Woojin taught me."

Jisung looked shocked. "No way, really?!" Minho nodded. "That's so cool!"

"Most compliments are given with no thought in mind, and those that are, are hard to find. People with honesty are hard to come by, though I think I may have found the lone bluebird in the sky."

Jisung looked at Minho blankly. "Korean please."

Minho laughed. It was a cute and high pitched laugh, something Jisung didn't expect. He smiled. 

"Basically I just said, 'thank you, you're fairy kind'."

Jisung smiled again. "Ah, thank you."

Upon reaching the dorms, Minho held the door open for Jisung. "T-Thank you," he said. Jisung had many people do this before, but that was because they knew his destiny. This boy, Minho, was completely clueless. He has to be a prince, but who's?

"So, what's the riddle?" Minho asked.

"Oh, right." Jisung fumbled to reach his pockets, but his hands were full of boxes. He was about to ask Minho to hold them for a moment, but then he felt a hand slip into his back pocket. He looked up at Minho in alarm.

He shrugged. "You looked like you needed help," he said, pulling out the paper.

It read: "I love you means something to me and to you, you'll find your room where love lies true."

"Oh, this is easy. C'mon, Ji. I know where to go." The nickname rolled so easily off his tongue that he didn't notice it. But Jisung did. When Minho looked back to see why Jisung wasn't following, he saw the boy hiding his face in his hands. Minho walked back and put his hand on Jisung's shoulder. "You okay?"

Jisung nodded, but he wouldn't pull his hands away from his face. Minho removed his hand from Jisung's shoulder and placed both of them around Jisung' writs, successfully pulling them away from his face. He saw a gentle red color paint the boys cheeks. "Oh my god, you're red! Are you sick?"

But Jisung couldn't answer. All he could concentrate on was the fact that Minho's face was not even two inches away from his. If he just leaned in a little bit--

"Jisung? Are you okay?"

Minho's voice shook him from his thoughts. He had to wait for his Prince. He can't have other people distracting him from that. He mentally slapped himself for being so stupid. "Um, yeah, I'm f-fine." Gah, why did I stutter? Luckily, Minho didn't seem to notice.

"Well, anyway, you wanna know something cool? I'm your roommate!"

Jisung took a minute to process that. "Wait, you're my what?"

Minho frowned. "You don't seem too happy about that."

"What? No, of course, I'm happy! It's just, aren't they placing the protagonists of stories with their villains?"

Minho nodded. "Yeah, that's what they're doing."

"Then why..." That's when it dawned on him.

Minho grinned. "I am Lee Minho, one and only son of the Good King and Evil Queen. The Prince of Darkness."

Needless to say, Jisung did end up having a fever.



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