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Today at 8:29pm

Hey bitch

How's mom life

Omg it's great. Jasper made
a cute little noise in his sleep
today and I cried a little. I
love him so much

He's going to be 4 months in
2 days

He's getting so big


I can't wait to see him

Yours and Justin's wedding
anniversary is coming up

I know. We are planning on a
trip but like don't know if we
should bring Jasper or not.
I mean he would be left with
mine or Justin's mom only
for a couple days. Idk if we

Well how long is the trip for

Like three days

I say leave him at home

But he's a little guy and I'm
breastfeeding and I feel like a
bad mom

Maybe we won't go on a trip


Listen. All relationships
need nurturing and if you
leave it all for Jasper your
marriage could decay. Okay
probably not but you get
what I mean. It'll be a good
break for you and Justin and
a great opportunity for pattie
or your mom to bond with

Okay and I'll leave breastmilk at
home and if he needs formula
it'll be okay

You are pretty persuasive

I know

So what have you been doing

Oh ya know, living it up

Well I just got done having sex

So you thought to text me
after having sex.


Omg Lia 😂😂😂

Your birthday is coming up

Whatcha gonna do

Well probs have a little dinner
with friends and then go party
it up at a club afterwards

You're invited too btw

Well I would hope so. I
might skip the clubbing tho

What whyyyyyy

Oh ya know, I have a child
at home to take care of

Pshhhhhh whatever

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