Seven - Dan

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Dan stared numbly at the pictures in front of him. His eyes searched for Phil, but the images all blurred together now. Not with tears, he'd run dry without crying more than a few times. A huge black hole had opened up in Dan's chest, and he knew exactly what it meant. In the back of Dan's head, some little voice was screaming to get it together. Get it together before it was too late. But there was a louder voice.

There's not really a point in trying now, is there?

After all, he'd been trying since he woke up to get out and still hadn't. Emily didn't seem to care what it did to him. No one had come for him, and from what Emily had told him no one was looking that hard. The little voice knew that wasn't true, but...

Would Phil really miss someone like you? Would your parents? They're probably glad they don't have to deal with you anymore...

Dan clamped his eyes shut, but it didn't stop the voices in his head from having a very one-sided argument. He just wanted to stop feeling like this, he wanted all of this to stop. He didn't care how he just wanted it to end.

There's only one way to make sure it ends for good.

But, just like everything else, Emily had taken that choice away from him too. Why was it that a person Dan barely knew got to decide everything about everything he ever did? He couldn't have been kidnapped by a serial killer, no, he wasn't that lucky. Instead, he was kidnapped by someone who would keep him alive because they wanted to be his friend. Probably more than that, but Dan refused to acknowledge that. He could still refuse that, but little else. Of course, it wasn't healthy the way he refused it.

Why the hell would anyone want you like that? It's a surprise she even wants to be your friend, count yourself lucky.

Oh yeah, so lucky. So lucky he couldn't just die. So lucky he had the best luck of any kidnapped person ever. He should be fucking grateful, but he wasn't.

Dan's head dropped against his chest and he sighed, feeling himself give up. He didn't know how long he'd been here, but probably not too long. Which meant he was just weak, pathetic, completely under some creepy person's control. He was already giving up, and the worse she'd done was tie him to a chair.

It just wasn't worth it, anymore. If he kept fighting, he'd keep injuring himself, and he wasn't going to get out anyway. Even if he did manage to escape, no one would want him. No one had ever wanted him.

Emily did the world a favor by taking you away.

Dan accepted that he was never going to go home.

He gave up.

A short one because I do what I want. Another one will come soon! Sorry, this story is kinda craptacular.

Love you All!


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