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There once was a shadow that haunted the Barrel. They say she was called the Wraith. People began forgetting the phantom, but how could they ever forget about the boy, still pulling his strings and playing with puppets?

Said boy was walking down just another crooked alley in the Barrel, at brisk pace that kicked up clouds of dust. Coarse breaths trailed along crisp Autumn air, remind him of the dramatic smoke that Suli fortune telling tents sometimes used that helped a younger Kaz pluck a few coins from unsuspecting pigeons.

The biting air nipped at the bits of his exposed skin, causing him to walk just a little faster, his cane beating a steady rhythm on the faded bricks of the Barrel. Just a few more twist and turns until the Slat. The chilly streets were still bustling about. No matter rain or shine, there would still be people on the streets of the East Stave.

A quick and quite stop at the Crow Club, its black and red façade silhouetted against the dying sun. Business was as good as ever, just another day fading quietly into the night. As all casinos, the Crow Club was windowless, encouraging the patrons to stay for just a while longer. The silver crow above the entrance aroused the innate curiosity of passing by pigeons, ripe for the plucking. "Idiots" He muttered, under his breath, but idiots make his business run. But he had no business here, not today.

Leaning against one of the black columns, he considered breaking into a run, though that mere thought was dismissed almost immediately.

Running like a madman down the street? Must be the cold getting to my head.

A sharp inhale brought him back from his thoughts, and he once again broke into stride. His head was throbbing rather acutely, though it did not show.

Just one more turn to the right. He knew this path better than the back of his hands. Or his gloves, for that matter. The thumping of his cane was in sync with the throbbing of his head. Why in Ghezen's name are there stairs I must traverse before reaching my room, he thought again. Exactly twenty-three painful steps. Sure, he'd taken over Per Haskell's room in the bottom floor, but a little more privacy was always appreciated.

Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a familiar a figure. A phantom, a graceful Suli acrobat. A haunting memory. Though he knew it to be false, he still couldn't stop himself from looking up in time to see a wisp of black hair disappearing out of view. Truly, the Wraith lived up to her name.

Oh for Ghezen's sake, it hasn't even been 9 bells.

Though the climb was as painful as ever, it was worth it once he reached the familiar resting place. He still unconsciously glanced at the windows every now and again; unlocked, waiting, though the Barrel was not a good place to leave anything unlocked. Kaz was sure he could deal with anything that could come through the open window.

Well. Almost anything.


He laid his leather gloves out on the empty writing desk and sat down on the bed, its springs groaning from the sudden weight. Just past 11 bells, and he was already half gone.

His heart was a void, it only knew how to take, and when he finally wanted to give, he had nothing. He knew that she would never be happy. Not here. Not with him. So despite what his mind was screaming, he let his anchor go, and returned to the swirling waters.

The first few days were worse. Much, much worse. She was everywhere; the rooftops, the tables, the busy streets. Kaz found himself chasing after these silhouettes, though he knew them to be merely figments of his imagination.

Chasing figures in the dark. Where have I done that before? He thought mockingly. He laced his gloveless fingers together, blocking out the sliver of moonlight behind the clouds.

12 bells. Another sleepless night.

He let out an exasperated sigh and fell on the bed. Every time he closed his eyes, the tides would pull him under.

He woke up every night to his own screams.


Wow, I really don't know what I'm doing. Thanks to @d0pp3lgang3r for being my editor, haha.

*Now, about the title. Aggregate.

^Noun-a whole formed by combining several (typically disparate) elements.

^Noun-a material or structure formed from a loosely compacted mass of fragments or particles.

^Adjective-formed or calculated by the combination of many separate units or items; total.

^erb-collect (related items of content) so as to display or link to them.


I never really explain anything, I sort of leave it up to the reader to decide.

But, there is going to be a chapter for Inej, and it's gonna be called asphault. 

"The primary use (70%) of asphalt is in , where it is used as the glue or binder"

So, there we go.

Cheers, dear crows.

Welcome to his show.

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