❀ seunghoon gets roasted

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mino: what the fuck seunghoon !!

seunghoon: what did i do this time

mino: jinwoo was telling me today that you keep harassing him and shit !!

seunghoon: wh-

seunghoon: i don't HARASS him

mino: ok well he didn't exactly say that you harass him but he's pretty creeped out by you

seunghoon: why ? he's a literal angel and i would never treat him like anything less

mino: maybe it's because you seem like an actual molester whenever you try to flirt

seunghoon: what !! i'm sexy when i flirt

seunghoon: not... molest-y

mino: uh

seunghoon: molesting is no joke, mino

mino: but your flirting is

seunghoon: !! shots !! fired

mino: do you have to say that every time someone roasts you ?

seunghoon: no, i get roasted too often to do that

mino: anyways, all i'm saying is that you need to get your shit together. jinwoo doesn't like fuckbois

seunghoon: but i'm not a fuckboi

mino: well apparently you come across as one to jinwoo

seunghoon: shit

mino: shit indeed !! exactly what your love life has gone to

seunghoon: oof shots fired

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