14 2 0

Kahn had stood in the phone booth for about an hour now. She had heard shouting and people going into the prison/cell area which she had been in. She was sure that she heard familiar voices, but she couldn't tell as much.

Her arm was in so much pain and for some reason, the blood wouldn't stop. She wondered if it was serious, and it was probably was! She unbuttoned her satin shirt, keeping a stain teal tank top on underneath, and wrapped the shirt around her arm tightly. This would at least give her time to apply pressure onto the cuts on her arm before she could see a hospital or any doctor at least.

Suddenly, she felt her heart quicken. Her ears perked up as the voices become louder. She started to hear shuffling down the hallways and commands. 

"Check the right exit. Sergio, go through there," a deep and unfamiliar voice commanded.  

Right exit...that's probably down this hallway, Kahn thought. 

She held her breath, breathing through her nose as lightly as she could. She pushed into the wall as much as she could to avoid being seen. She was on the right side of the payphone and the phone was doing so much to cover her. She stared at the edge of the floor so she could see possibly anything like the three pairs of legs running towards the end of the hall.   

She heard a door clank open, and suddenly light peered into the hallway. It almost seemed like the light that was from outside---real nature outside of this building. This was her chance! This was it! She was so, so close to getting out of here! Kahn became ecstatic, ready for the men to leave and go down another hall, but she prayed that coming back down the hall, that none of the men would check the phone booth or see her legs by any chance. Although there was a slim chance, Kahn closed her eyes and repeated the same four prayer lines over and over again.    

"She's not out here." 

"Or maybe she jumped?" She heard a couple of them chuckle to this remark. Kahn furrowed her eyebrows in disgust as they joked about suicide. 

"Well, that would save us the hassle of killing her later so better her own choice of dying than Don's way." Kahn's faced expressed extreme panic. Her rolled her lips inwards, her throat closing in again. Life was getting harder by the minute and she was too young to be shot and left in the ditches. She had so many passions and relationships she wanted to cherish and live through, so many goals, so many bucket list items, and adventures. 

Lost in her own thoughts, Kahn barely noticed that the men had passed her without as much as a doubt. She heard the sound of their boots thudding against the floor fade out, and she shifted out of the small corner she had forced herself in. She bent down, almost squatting, peering under the edge of the wall, by the doors, to see if anyone was in the hallway or coming close to it. None of the other doors seemed to open before or after the men had gone by. She could do it. This was it. 

Kahn took a deep breath and ran down the hallway. She came to the door and without thinking, pushed it as hard as she could. A blaring alarm went off, and she stumbled back, almost seeing the tiniest sliver of outside. What had happened? Why didn't it do this when the other men had done the same thing? She looked around the door only to find a keypad scanner that the men had probably used.  

She rolled her eyes in frustration and shook her head, trying to find the motivation to step back outside and push the door open again. She had peered outside to come to a view of a flat roof. There was nothing, at all. Absolutely nothing, just the damn sky. 

"God, damn it," she yelled. It was the first time she had used God's name in vain, but she felt so outraged at the higher being in the heavens for this trap. She was so close and now she was so unbelievably far. Her nerves boiled with hatred for herself for being so stupid and for a God she had undoubtfully believed in. 

The alarm kept blaring through her ears, and she stepped back, closing the door behind her. They would be here any minute now. She already heard shouting voices creeping up from a distance, almost as if they were about to turn the corner. She panicked and clenched her eyes all while opening the nearest door next to her, slightly turning when she entered the room so that it shut in front of her. And before she could finally relax for once that hectic night, the trouble had started all over again. 

"We've been expecting you," a familiar voice drawled, sending chills down her spine. It was a voice she hadn't forgotten no matter how hard she tried. It was the voice that shook to her core the most, rocking her, giving her butterflies in her stomach and giving her poor heart false cardiac arrests. It was a voice that was absolutely criminal. 

She turned around with her eyes clenched, slowly opening them, coming face to face with the emerald eyes who had given her so much trouble and so much anxiety. Her eyes widened and her breaths hitched, she had been caught again and now God was just mocking her. Her heartbeat quickened, and her chest was very visibly beating up and down. 

Nick pushed closer closing the gap between them. He was taking advantage of her emotions, being amused himself of the situation. He watched her tremble under his gaze and the light between her eyes dim as they once thought she had reached some semblance of peace, but in reality, they had given up sights of hopeful exits for escaping. His eyes scanned her and she lowered her gaze. He followed it till he saw her arm, shocked, and stepped back from her, allowing Cameron to see the teal blood-soaked cloth around her right arm. 

"Cazzo!" Cameron exclaimed from behind both of them, and that was the last thing Kahn heard before she passed out for the rest of the night, dropping to the floor.  


Italian Translations:

Cazzo: F*ck 




School is done so I'm happy about that but I have a long and hard summer up against me so hopefully, we make it through! 


 Was the escape scene confusing? 


Updates might be a little slow in a couple of weeks because of summer stress. Please be encouraging, I am human and trying to succeed. This book is a de-stressor for me.

The rest is the same:

If you ever have any plot ideas or covers or headers, cast stuff, etc, please please let me know. It encourages me and I wanted to feel loved tbh. There's the tea!

Like always, comment, like, vote, share, follow, etc. do your thing, please! It helps to let me know that I'm doing something right and gives me the motivation to keep on writing for y'all.

Reminder: all! rights! reserved! copyrighted! If you see anything fishy out there, please do let me know! <3

Stay hydrated since it's a hot one, 




Salve, Don.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя