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LOVE&WAR is my story...don't get it confused it all started when I had to babysit the bad boy Robin.

Lena: ughh OK!
Lenas mom: Hey hunny I got you a summer job! Your going to be keeping Robin the boy from your school out of trouble!
Lena: WHAT!? no!!!
Lenas mom: you will do as I say and that the end of that! You get paid 300 dollars a week be great full. You'll be spending the whole summer there while me and his parents are at a business trip in Dubai
Lena: ughh fine! But only for the money!
Couple our later...
Lenas thoughts: *ughh babysitting the bad boy this should be fun! Instead of sleeping my summer away and eating pizza I'm going to be taking care of a 17 year old monkey!*

We got to Robins house and my 1 thought wad just to say Hi play nice...but what came out of my mouth was a whole lot different then what I wanted to say
"Hey what's up loser!"...
JK! I almost did say that tho!

Lena: Hi I'm Lena
Robin: ughh mom even her name is unbearable! I don't need a babysitter!
Robins mom: thank you Lena for watching my baby boy while me and my husband are gone with your parents to Dubai!
Lena: it's no problem!
Robins mom: *hands Lena an envelope* here is 2k dollars to get you started off I'll give you the rest when we come back at the end of the summer!
Lena: ok bye everybody! Have a safe trip!!
Robin: don't think we're suddenly going to become friends just because your my "babysitter"

Lena: that's good I don't wanna be your friend I am just here for the money! I
need it for college *not like you would know* I didn't dare say that out loud.

End of part 1!

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