Freshman Lessons

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1. Hydrate. If they give you a break, chug it. But not too much, or it'll slosh around your stomach.

2. If you're gonna be a freshman soon, start running. You need to build your endurance. They will make you run and you wanna be ready.

3. Don't eat like shit before a practice. You will die.

4. If your section leader's a vegan, you're not gonna get any donuts.

5. If you're on time you're late. Punctuality is key.

6. ALWAYS start with the left foot.

7. Do not park on the practice field.

8. There are gonna be days when you'll sweat so much that it'll look like you already took a shower. There's gonna be days when it's 40 degrees and you'll be in your uniform, freezing cold. You have to get through it.

9. You won't have time to do all your homework and get sleep. Prioritize things accordingly.

10. Don't mess around on the field.

11. The end of a great show will be the greatest pain you've ever felt.

12. The people you meet along the way make the experience 10x better. You're all suffering, but you're suffering together, and that's what makes it great.

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