1 - Catradora in a Shopping Mall

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Most of these are based off things that have actually happened to me

- Adora: Yeah, there's no McDonalds here
Catra: Then I'll have KFC
Adora: I didn't say you had a choice
Catra: I wasn't given the choice to be born either. You could at least give me this.

- Catra: WOw! Look at these bed sheets!
Adora: It's literally just blue with white splotches
Catra: Actually, it's a cow
Catra: Just like you
Adora: I-

- Catra holding a water gun in an action movie pose whilst Adora takes a million pictures.

- Walking down the make-up isle and explaining how each piece is used as a torture device

- They both put on those toy masks made for 5 year olds and T-Pose

- *in the food court*
Catra: I love you so much!
Adora: I don't know if you're talking to me or the food :/
Catra: I'm obviously talking to the food

- Mimicking the poses of the mannequins

- Catra once made a mannequin look like it was grabbing its dick and it took a whole 3 minutes of looking at it for Adora to realise what she'd done

- If you think that Catra has never lost Adora and went to the front desk to call for her, you're wrong.

- Y'know what? Catra probably once through a ball into one of those containers that hold balls and it broke and balls flew everywhere and now they're never allowed back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2019 ⏰

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