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yay. It's New Years eve... Like I care. I wish I would be home right now, drinking coffee, reading a good book. But no, I'm sitting here, on a hotel rooftop with dozens of people I don't even know. Like every year. I hate it. Ugh, I guess I should introduce myself now, huh? Well, I'm Maple and I'm 16. I'm a pretty lame person. I never go out and party, I haven't had a boyfriend yet and I still wear braces. Oh and I'm the biggest weeabo you'll meet and I play way too many video games, ugh. And well, I pretty much dislike everyone besides my only real-life friend and my internet friends. Oh, it's 2019 now I guess. Like I cared. I hate those loud noises and those fake happy people. I just want to go home already. I leave the rooftop and go back to the hotel room. I sigh and put on my headphones. I just want to be alone. I fall asleep a few minutes later.

---Next Day---

We're going home today! FINALLY! I just finished packing up my things and my mom just called me. I put my old, torn backpack in to the car and get inside. It's a long ass trip now. Why do we do this every year? I hate it. I just put my favorite playlist on and try to fall asleep. I fail. "How long?" I ask my dad. "As long as we need to get there." haha. I turn away and actually fall asleep. "Hey, wake up, darling. We're home!" My head hurts. I get out of the car and take my backpack, waiting for my mom to finally open the door... "WHOOOOOOO" I shout and fall onto my bed. Finally!!! I'm back home again, it's so quiet here. I take my laptop and open discord. WHAT? 999+ Messages? WTF. I open my favorite Group Chat.


Milky//Tears(me): I'm back from "vacation". So happy to be home again. (¬_¬)

Kurosagi-Kun: I burned my arm really badly and now I'm in hospital (╥_╥)

Mi-Sama: How the fuck did you do that again, Kuro???

Kurosagi-Kun: Fireworks...

Milky//Tears: Oh boy. Hope it isn't too bad. Alright, I'm getting off now, bye guys!

Miso-Sama: Bye, nerd. Haha, im joking, have fun.

Ginger: Hi my fellow humans and uuh... Maple.

Yuna: Haha! Thats a good one, she's an alien for sure xD

I close my laptop and lie down. School starts in two days, huh? I fucking hate it. I wish I could drop out already and go to art school... But my parents wont let me... Why can't they just love me for who I am and NOT expect me to become a goddamn doctor or something. I swear, the day I turn 18 I'm moving in with Kayrah and showing my parents the finger. They can stick their expectations right up their asses. I wish they could see how much their actions hurt me. I mean, they never even care when I show them any of my ideas or what I've been up to lately. I hoped they would understand that me becoming a doctor is about as likely as them stopping drinking. I know, I know, that was rude. But its the truth. My parents can't put down the bottle lately. Two more years... Two more years and I can finally move to Japan and start doing what I want to do. Streetart aka Graffiti. Yes. I do that. For real, believe me! I may be boring and lame at day, but at night I'm VaporAcid, the masked graffiti artist. Surprised you there, right? Well. What I'm doing is not exactly legal, but no'one knows me and I'm practically invisible most of the time and just think; how big is the chance that they find out its me, a lame, weird shy girl from Riverwood High? Right. Very small. I just hope that my parents can accept me the way I am someday... For God's sake, I suck at biology and chemistry. And cutting up people or showing them sticks down their throat doesnt sound like a dreamjob for me, to be honest. I roll around in bed and after about half-an hour i finally fall asleep.

kisses in the rain.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن