Part 6

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A couple minutes I'm hurtling down a brightly lit hallway on a red swivel chair, laughing my head off along with Cha, who's the one pushing me. Bram is at the end of the hallway that we're hurtling toward, doubled over with laughter, his curly hair bouncing along in time with his laughter.

Bram dives out of the way as the chair I'm on whizzes past, Cha having let go of it. I jump off the chair as it nears the wall, rolling away from it when I hit the floor. Oosh, that's gonna leave a bruise.

Everyone's thoughts right now are sparkling, happy, like sunlight shining down from a window on a spring morning.

"My turn!" Bram calls, retrieving the chair.

I take the chair and Bram scrambles onto it, positively shining. Dork.

Pushing the chair, I start to run down the hallway, hair flying back a bit. I tune into Bram and Cha's thoughts, flicking around between channels.

Love- now this is living- she's beautiful- haha look at the dorks

Wait, go back one.

I wonder if she likes me too?

Nope, nope, nope, not looking at this. Don't know which one of the boys thought that, or if I was picking up on someone else, or what, but nope, nope, not listening to that. That was private.

I continue running and then let go, treating Bram to the same thing that Cha pulled on me.

Bram doesn't dive in time and his face gets gently smooshed against the wall. Not hard enough to break or bruise, but probably painful.

"Bram! You were supposed to jump!" I say, panting.

"But where's the fun in that?" Bram says jokingly.

"Yeah, then we wouldn't get to see Lover-Boy's face smashed in by the wall," Cha says, grinning.

"How exceedingly kind of you, Cha, very sensitive," says Bram sarcastically.

"Hey, what are you guys doing down here? I hear noises," a new voice asks.

"Shit!" Cha says, grabbing the chair and zooming out of sight, presumably to put it back in the storage room.

"You going to go invisible on me?" I ask Bram. "you could pin the blame on the new girl before whoever that is rounds the corner,"

"Tempting, but no. I have a better moral compass than that," Bram says, his previously happy grin now tense and slightly fake.

"Want to make a break for it?" I propose.

"Nah," Bram says.

Sable comes into view. Of course, it's her.

"Were you guys swivel chair racing again? I thought Coin told you not to," she says with a raised eyebrow. "Although, I've never seen you listen to Coin without a good reason,"

"Do you see a swivel chair, Sable?" Bram says, about to lie through his teeth with a smile perched upon his lips.

"No, but I know that Cha has super speed and that the storage room is in the opposite direction," Sable counters.

"If we were pushing each other down the hallway in a swivel chair- not saying we were, mind you- would you tell Coin?" Bram asks.

"Nah, I like annoying Coin too much, I would just say to remember that Lights Out is in a half hour," Sable tips, walking back down the hallway.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2019 ⏰

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