an invitation?

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A new day dawns as Miles wakes up to the ringing of his alarm. He rubbed his mocha colored eyes, and saw the little galaxies start to form beneath his eyelids. The bed frame squeaked when Miles sat and turned to put his feet on the cold, hardwood floor that sent chills throughout his body. He got up, and headed to the bathroom to start his daily routine. Wake up, take a shower, brush teeth, do hair, get dressed, make the bed, grab backpack, meet Ryland downstairs, eat breakfast, clean dishes, put on shoes, walk out the door, and go. His routine never changed.

Ryland and Miles walked down the street, on their way to Welton High School. Miles never necessarily liked his school. A lot of the people there were always blue-purple, with a mix of red and brown. Not a pretty color in the eyes of either Ryland or Miles. They stepped through the large glass doors and up the spiralling stairs to their first class, 360 Language Arts. Miles was not so fond of the class, he thought of it as a confusing boring class. Ryland always sat behind him and would encourage him to just man up and pass the class, so he would not have to retake it. The word "retake" had Miles hearing a terribly played D♭ that buzzed in his eardrum. The noise was interrupted by a paper spitball, aimed at him. He was hesitant to turn around, Miles already knew who had launched it, Ansel Griffin.

Ever since Miles could remember, he has known Ansel. They used to be friends, the yellow-purple, wind breezing through the spring trees kind of friendship. But when everything went blue-green-gray, Ansel stepped and turned to the shadow side of the tree where the moss did not grow.

Miles took a little peep over to the jocks who just laughed at him, but Ryland nudged his ankle and almost instantly Miles regained his attention to the board. The noises of clock ticking, teacher lecturing, and bubblegum popping filled the room. Along with Miles' right leg that kept jittering up and down, waiting to leave. Within minutes the bell rang and the students were dismissed. Miles walked out the door and sped to his next class, then the next, and the next, and so forth. The last clang of the bell filled the school building and everyone rushed out. Staying slightly behind the crowd, Miles and Ryland strolled the hallways. Looking down, Miles did not even notice the fall colored papers being thrown up in the air. Ryland caught one and tried to get Miles' attention. Miles didn't even have to think about it, he knew immediately it was a picture perfect opportunity. He pulled out his polaroid and waited for the perfect moment of Ryland dancing with orange and yellow flyers drifting through the air. Ryland turned to him with a big smile, arms in the air, and the written invitation in one of his hands. The polaroid gave a vibe of confetti after the finale of a concert or the vibrations of a F and C major.

Miles shoved the picture into his bag and decided to listen to what Ryland had to say, "They're invitations, to a Halloween Party. Miles, you got to go! It's senior year, enjoy the ride."

"Yeah I, uh, I don't know. Sounds too technicolor for me." Miles replied, uncommitted.

"C'Mon, it will be fun, I promise. I'll make sure of it. Look it's even a costume party. You can dress up anyway you want. Make it as G# as you want. There'll be other people there, games, and movies to watch. It'd be good for you." asserts Ryland in the most convincing way he could, giving Miles a slight punch on the shoulder.

"I hate crowds," Miles urges. "I hate board games. And I hate TV," Miles snapped, feeling suddenly annoyed.

"Seriously, Miles. You just don't know what you like. You never do anything except stay under that dumb dead tree or locked in your room staring at those crumbling photos that you keep. I'm the one that's always with you, wherever you go. Miles you need to do things on your own sometime in life. Because I'm not always going to be there, I'll be gone someday." Ryland raises his voice at Miles, causing him to get a static feeling in his stomach. There was a what seemed a long, muted moment between the two brothers in the nearly now empty hallway.

Miles breaks the silence, feeling tongue-tied, with a tone of distaste, "Alright."

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