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Letters to Lune - II

Darling Esme,

     I'm glad to hear that you received my card. It was a chore to mail it out to you secretly and without arousing suspicion. It can get lonesome at home as well, considering how vast and empty this estate is.
      You mentioned my father's new valet, Carter. He's settling in well, though he hasn't completely acclimated to his duties as of yet. We're sure he will, in due time. After all, he did just move to Yorkshire from the States. That's bound to be a bit of a difficult transition.
       It's a shame to hear that Charlie is acting odd. What do you mean by that specifically? Is he ill or injured? Is he eating? And getting adequate amounts of sleep? Please take care of him, he's like a brother to me. Do give him my best, as well.
      It's quite ironic that you mention the moon, actually. I was just thinking about the same thing, except the opposite. I think of you when i see the sun rise at dawn and set at dusk. The vibrance of the hues in the sky and the brightness of its rays remind me greatly of you.  Whenever i gaze up at the mid-afternoon sun, I am reminded of the way your dark eyes turn to liquid amber underneath its luminescence. Though the distance between us is great, I know that whenever I look up I am not alone. I wonder if you feel that way when you look up at the moon?
        Either way, I guess I should be going now. I have to go into London tomorrow and Alice is asking me about outfit choices for tonight's dinner. I hope you're doing well, and I shall write you again soon.

Adoringly yours,


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2019 ⏰

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