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We walk into the club, hand in hand after waiting for what seemed like an eternity of waiting.

Fuck we should have gone pre-drinking. I think as I look at the prices for drinks.

"As many shots as you can give to a person for £30 please" Morgan screams at the bar tender over the horrible pop music blaring out of the speakers.

The guy lays out shots out on the bar and we both take one.

"To being free!" I say with a smile on my face before downing my half of the shots.

"To being with you" says Morgan doing the same.

I drag them over to the dance floor and we start dancing as the alcohol kicks in.

Hehehe I've never gone this far before, but hey, I'm testing all my limits at the moment, so fuck it.

Me and Morgan start grinding to Cardi B.

The lights flash and the music pounds, as everything has a hazy quality to it, forgetting all my troubles, I dance like there is no tomorrow.

We stumble out of the club laughing as the cold nights air bites at my legs and cheeks.

We continue to stumble to the hotel and we get to our room before we both pass out.

I wake to a pounding head and the room spinning (much like I felt this morning).

"Ugh, I'm never drinking again" I mumble as I clutch my head. I reach for my phone to look at the time, and notice ive got a message.

I click it open and stare at the screen in horror, before the bile rises at the back of my throat and I Sprint to the bathroom, the shots from last night burning just as much coming up as they did going down.

"Brooke? You ok?" Says a sleepy voice from the bedroom.

Once I'm finished I flush the toilets, wash my mouth out with water straight from the tap and wander to Morgan.

I don't say anything as I click open the message and show it to them. "Shit, what are we going to do?" , they say any trace of a hangover disappearing.

"I don't know" I say as I start saving and I throw myself into my pillows.

I scream.

I don't know how long for, but I do. Long and hard. When I stop I rollover, gasping for breath. Morgan is standing at the end of the bed, fully dressed, looking terrified.

"Put them on, we're leaving." They whisper before picking up our bags and exiting the room.

I pull soft cotton and diem over my body and slide my phone into my back pocket.

As I follow after morgan, the message seems to burn into my skin.

St. Ives huh? Looks like I've got you right when I want you. When I get you back, your in for a whole world of pain, my dear.

Attached was several images of me and morgan, waiting to go into the club, doing shots, leaving and a chilling one of us dancing which Andy so lovingly captioned,

Maybe I should get them as well, I could get you both do the whole show just for me. ;)

Chills run down my spine as I get into the car and we speed away.

This is where it started.

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