Chapter 1

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Needlekit dug her claws into the stump she stood on. "I, Needlestar, the leader, pronounce you three by your warrior names! Galepaw, form now on, you will be known as Galewhiskers! Icepaw, you Ice...uh...paws! Icepaws! And Frostkit-"

"Hey! That's not fair! Icepaws sounds too much like an apprentice name!" Icekit wailed.

"Um, okay, you'll be, uh..." Needlekit glanced down. "Icestump! You will be known as Icestump!"

Icekit dug his tiny claws into the ground. "Give me a real name, Needlekit!"

"Is that not real enough for you? What's real, then?" Needlekit challenged. "And I'm Needlestar! Don't you dare call me Needlekit!"

"You're so bossy, Needlekit. Let's play hide and seek instead!" Icekit mewed.

"Hey! I haven't received my warrior name!" Frostkit wailed.

"Oh, come on, your warrior name will be Frostfrost!"  Icekit meowed.

"No, Frostki-paw, from now on you will be known as Frosttrees!" Needlekit mewed quickly. "Also, uh, Icepaw, you will be known as Icefurs! Galewhiskers! Icefurs! Frosttrees!"

Icekit seemed a bit more at ease with his name. Galekit didn't mind at all, by the looks of it, and Frostkit didn't seem to be too disappointed.

"Now let's play hide and seek!" Needlekit announced. "Icefurs, close your eyes for fifty heartbeats, and then go find us!"

Needlekit scrambled away, down the stump, onto the needle-strewn earth. The pine forest around the ravine was full of adventures. MoorClan warriors, foxes, badgers, and of sweet prey too, like birds... Needlekit realized that she stopped dead in her tracks, and ran to the nearest pine tree. She scrambled onto an overhanging branch, and hid in a thick clump of pine needles. She saw Icekit open his eyes, and look around. Needlekit saw a white tail stick out from a bush. Needlekit figured that Frostkit was hiding there. Icekit seemed to  notice, too, and raced towards the bush. 

"Aww," she heard Frostkit mew, "you found me!"

"Your tail was sticking out like a dove among blackbirds!" Icekit chided. Needlekit soon noticed a brown paw sticking out from behind the warriors' den. That's Galekit, Needlekit thought. Frostkit and Galekit both chose such terrible hiding places! Needlekit didn't know how they could leave their tail sticking out of their hiding place, let alone a paw.

"Needlekit!" she heard Icekit call. "You've won! Come out!" Needlekit scrambled jumped down onto the warm earth below. She and her littermates were one moon old, and it was the beginning of a warm Newleaf. She darted to where her littermates were clustered, around the stump she had been on before. 

"Now, I, Icestar, am leader!" Icekit announced. "And I'll be giving you your warrior names!"

"No, you're not!" Needlekit exclaimed. "Mother says I'm  the oldest, so should be leader!"

"But that's not fair!" Icekit wailed. "Then you'll get to be leader all the time, and that's not fair!"

"I'm leader!" Galekit joined in. "Mother says I'm second  oldest! Then Frostkit can be leader, and then you, Icekit."

"Fine," Needlekit mewed.

"'Kay, fine," Icekit agreed.

"Sure, I don't really care," Frostkit chimed in. "This game is stupid anyways."

Galekit leaped onto the stump. "Then, by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names! Icepaw, you will be known as Icefrogs! Frostpaw, you will be known Frosttigers! Needlepaw, you will be known as, uh...Needletree! Icefrogs! Frosttigers! Needletree!"

Needlekit got tired of the game. "Let's play something else. This is getting quite boring."

"Let all cats old enough to climb trees gather here beneath the Lowbranch to hear my words!"

this one ends in a cliffhanger, sorry

IvyClan--Warriors Fanfic Book 1Where stories live. Discover now