You love me?

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PoV: Italy

Germany lead him back to the room. Even though Germany didn't seem to like to walk down these hallways. Healmost looked in pain. But Italy understood now why Germany kept every part of his history and didn't allow a single part of it to be frogotten.

Italy knew that he wasn't the brightest one. But he was sure, that he understood this one thing about Germany: He was scared to forget even more.

He looked down at his hand. Germany almost crushed it, but Italy didn't care right now. His strong Germany wasn't feeling well. His strong Germany seemed so weak right now. He even cried. Germany needed him right now, he was sure.

Italy's thoughts went back to when Germany suddenly yelled at him. When he turned away and told him to leave Italy couldn't move. He knew, he had done something terribly wrong. He had wanted to help Germany. But in the end he only made him angry and hurt him.

As he walked closer he was shocked at how sad Germany was. He held Germany for almost an hour, before he felt him calm down. He must have been really sad about his memories. Italy felt even worse after he saw Germany so broken. He never showed this side of him so openly, even though Italy somehow knew about it.

But still, this wasn't his strong Germany. The one that always tied his shoelaces and would run around the world to save him. He had to explain. But how should he? Maybe he should write it down? But that wasn't possible right now. No! He had to tell Germany himself.

How could he tell Germany? He couldn't just throw him right at his head, who Germany was and that he knew him, could he? But how was he supposed to then?

As Italy looked up again he saw the door. As he did last time, he felt himself drawn to that door again. The sad, torn up feeling overcame him again. He turned his head. The exact same feelings sowed in Germany's eyes, even though he almost seemed like his former self, strong and cold.

But Italy knew, that Germany wasn't cold at all. Germany just showed his emotions a bit different than others. But in his eyes all his emotions could be seen clearly. And right now he was sad, again.

Italy leaned a bit closer to Germany and put his free hand on his muscular upper arm. He imagined Germany to relax a bit, but wasn't quite sure. Clutched to him like this the two nations stepped into the room.

Germany turned the lights on. Why didn't Italy think of that? He wouldn't have needed the candle.

"Well, this is it." Germany said blankly, banning every emotion from his voice. Italy still didn't know what to say, so he just looked around for a second. Then he walked up on a flag.

It was a two headed eagle on a yellow background. "This was the flag of the Holy Roman Empire. I lived under Austria in his house. He was... strong. A bit scary, but kind. At first I was just scared of him, but with the time I understood. He didn't want to be scary. He tried to be nice. He gave me food, while I was hungry. It didn't taste good, but I was able to eat it. He also went to check on me, as Austria locked me away for a day. And he went to chase a mouse, because he thought I could get scared. I didn't understand these things at the time, but now I do."

Italy slowly walked the few steps to the center of the room. He knew Germany was confused by the story he told him, but he didn't interrupt him.

"But then, Holy Rome headed of into war. He told me he had to go. And as he was just about to leave I called him back." Italy took the deck brush and held it in his hands, remembering how he gave it to his Holy Rome.

"I was just a maid back then and had nothing but this little deck brush Austria gave to me. And I decided to give it to him. He looked so happy at that moment. He asked me, what people do at my house with people they liked and after I said that we kiss them, he kissed me. He told me he loved me since a long time already. Then he promised me to come back and left. And so I waited."

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