Tyler, you suck

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It had been a dull week. Xavier had exhausted every method he had of avoiding paying attention and resorted to the only way he knew left to pass the time: staring at Tyler. X typically spent so much time studying Tyler's features that he noticed things other people didn't. He noticed the way Tyler's mouth quirked upward when he thought of something "funny" and how he clicked his pen when he was agitated or stressed out. He was watching that day that Tyler sketched a roaring lion in the corner of his notes and every single time he raised his hand to unnecessarily interject his opinion into a teacher's lesson. X sighed. He had had a crush on Tyler since the sixth grade! Deep down inside, X knew that Tyler was too homophobic and macho to ever reciprocate X's feelings and everything was awful. He sometimes thought wistfully of a simpler time when he and Tyler had been closer. In elementary school, they played together every recess. That was the think about Tyler that X liked the most: his imagination. He could turn the playground into a battlefield or a castle with daring sword-fights and strange ambassadors from foreign lands. X could only guess what was happening in Tyler's head at this very moment. X sighed. He was tired of pining after Tyler and having him never notice.  Xavier solemnly resolved to do something about it. The image of a sparkly pink poster in the hallway proclaiming "Come to the Valentines Dance!" floated into his mind. That's it! He would ask him to the dance! X proceeded to concoct a fool proof plan of how to ask Tyler out. X smiled. This would be the year.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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