Tag 4

12 0 4

I was tagged by GalleriaOfLemons

What's your sexuality: I'm bisexual

What's your gender: I'm a female

Are you happy: As happy as a person with social anxiety can be😂. Seriously though, I'm always on edge because of it, and my mom is taking me to see a nurse practitioner because of it. I am happy though

What is the last song you listened to: The full English version of the Vampire Knight opening

What is your hair color: Black with maroon tips

What is your zodiac: Cancer

Who is the last person you kissed: No one unless you count the anime pics on my phone😂😂😂

What is your favorite color: Black, green, red, orange, and white

What is your favorite food: Pizza or spaghetti

What is your battery percentage: 40℅

Who is your celebrity crush: Chloë Grace Mortez and Emma Watson

What is your favorite vegetable: Carrots

What is your eye color: Grayish blue, sometimes bright blue

What is your shoe size: I think it's an eight in women's 😂😂 I just buy whatever fits

What is your dream job: A dhs worker or someone who helps children

Here are my tags:

MidnightWhisper777 as always😂😂

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