It's Easy

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A soft light poured in through the slits in the curtains, barely lighting the room at all. Shades of yellow and orange spread across the comforter, warming everything it touches with the early morning euphoria it carried. The first thing the light touch was the bed, covered in a velvety comforter and many downy pillows. Two figures lay in it, softly causing the covers to rise and fall evenly with each deep breath they took in. A quiet shuffle, a soft groan as the smaller of the two turned over, little arms wrapping around the larger who was snoring ever so slightly. With another quiet grunt, Levi sat up onto his elbows and squinted at the light that filled his eyes when he finally cracked his eyes open. His first thought was of the blonde sleeping peacefully beside of him, he had to see him first thing, with his sleep tinted cheeks and peaceful sleeping expression. Just the thought of it made Levi smile as he turned towards the still sleeping Erwin beside him, one small hand brushing a few golden strands out of the others face. He continued to run his hand through the others hair, fondly brushing the pieces out of his eyes and off his face. Erwin had this way of sleeping where he didn't necessarily move his body much but his head moved quite a bit so he had the most adorable case of bed head every single morning. Levi always got to see it first hand and the way Erwin would roll his eyes when he first laid eyes on himself every morning never failed to amuse. His fingers trailed down from the blondes hair to skim over Erwin's face. He trailed his fingers down his hairline, making sure to avoid Erwin's ears as much as possible since he knew he was very ticklish there but carried on down his jawline, tracing its full length before mirroring his actions back up the other side of his face. Levi could sit around for hours just admiring his love like this, just studying every single detail about that beautiful blonde he got to call his own. He had to admit though, waking up with Erwin had become quite dear to him. Levi was always awake first but Erwin wasn't far behind wether it was because he woke up on his own or because Levi woke him with hugs and kisses, but Levi wouldn't give up the ethereal feeling of being in bed, skin hot but unwilling to be separated from each other. Levi was shaken from his thoughts when Erwin groaned and wrapped both of his strong arms around Levi's waist, laying his head
over against Levi's chest with a soft sigh. Levi smiled, the barely visible but painfully fond smile that people do in movies when they're finally content at the end when all of their problems have been solved. Levi often wondered what Erwin dreamed, did he ever dream of him? Did he have nightmares? Levi hated that thought, he didn't want that for his Erwin in the least. Not that other people wished it on their lovers he just genuinely didn't want anything less than beautiful to fill his dreams or interrupt them. Cheesy? Maybe but Levi had given up caring about that long ago. He used to genuinely hate the cheesy, romantic shit he saw people doing before he was with Erwin. He thought it was unnecessary to say things like 'I never want anything to happen to you.' because he figured it just went without saying but now he had Erwin and he just wanted to say that to him so he knew exactly how he felt and knew that Levi was there. Levi often wondered why Erwin loved /him/ of all the people who he could've chosen. Why did he love Levi who had brushed him off so many times and said he didn't ever want love knowing full well that was all Erwin wanted with him. Levi knew he didn't deserve the man beside him, he knew it but it never stopped Erwin from going on one of his spills about how much he loved Levi and how he deserved so much more than himself. Levi always laughed and rolled his eyes when he did that but deep down he held on to those moments and cherished them even years later. "You're staring." Levi nearly jumped when he heard Erwin's raspy morning voice out of nowhere, thinking he was still sleeping. A blush crept onto his pale featured when he realized he had in fact been staring for several minutes now. "How could I not?" Levi retorted with the most classic line in the books making Erwin chuckle. "Smooth, Levi." Erwin finally opened his eyes, sky blue connecting with steel grey for the first time of the day. Erwin immediately smiled at the sight but that smiled faded slightly when he saw Levi's serious expression. Before he could ask anything though, Levi spoke, "How do you still love me, Erwin?" Levi asked, eyebrows knitted together as he studied Erwin's face. Erwin stayed quiet for several minutes which put Levi on edge for some reason, mind running wild with reasons why. "It's easy." Erwin finally said with a wide grin. Levi raised a brow at his response, "You're everything to me, Levi. Yeah you're sarcastic and you act like you don't care but I'm not an idiot. I know you're crazy about me." Erwin couldn't even keep himself from laughing at his own cocky remark which made Levi roll his eyes and laugh with him, "You know I hate you." Levi said though laughs which only made Erwin laugh harder. "No you don't." That comment made Levi pounce the larger and pretend to attack Erwin.
And that's how the pair of them spent their day.

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